Spanish Sentences using hubiese
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The If I had had money, I would have bought that car.
I thought María would have already made the soup. I didn't think María would have made the soup.
The bus would have never got to the bus station!
The bad comments in the press would have hurt the athlete if he had read them.
Anny would have sung the national anthem, but she got sick.
If the girl would have been intelligent, would she have received the book?
If he had offered him a job, he would have accepted.
He would have crashed into the wall, but he stopped on time.
I wouldn’t have contradicted him, but I was right.
If he had groaned louder, I would have heard him.
¡Ojalá (que) hubiese ganado mi equipo favorito!
I wish that my favorite team had won. (In reality, the team lost.)
¡Ojalá (que) hubiese hecho sol cuando escalamos la montaña!
We wish it had been sunny when we went mountain climbing! (In reality, it was raining.)
A esa velocidad, si se le hubiese atravesado un animal, lo habría matado.
At that speed, if an animal had crossed over, he would have killed it.
Habría llorado, si no me hubiese contenido.
I would have cried if I hadn’t held myself back.
Estaba tan seguro como si ya hubiese visto la tierra desde una nave espacial moderna.
He was as positive about it as if he had seen the earth from a present day space ship.
Ojalá hubiese sabido y te hubiese hablado en español cuando te llame por teléfono.
I wish I would have known and I would have spoken in Spanish to you when I call you on the phone.
Si no hubiese hombres en el mundo viviríais como en la edad de piedra.
If there were no men in the world, one would live as if living in the stone age.
No quisiera que hubiese ambigüedad.
I just want to ensure that there is no ambiguity.
Nos hubiese resultado muy útil.
It would have been very useful for us.
Si hubiese alguno, yo lo sabría.
If there were, I would know about it.
Me hubiese gustado oírle repetir lo mismo.
I would have liked to hear you repeat the same thing.
Yo lloré: ojalá lo hubiese visto colgado».
I wept: I would have seen him hanged.'
No sabía que Francia hubiese prohibido el rugby.
Has France banned rugby? That is news to me.
Si solo hubiese hecho alusión a ello…
Even if you had only alluded to this ...
No se hubiese esperado nunca que ocurriera.
You would not expect any more for it to happen.
Este resultado hubiese sido inaceptable para mi.
This outcome would have been unacceptable to me.
Él es quien nos hubiese informado.
It is he who was to have given us the information.
Si hubiese votado a favor de esa Resolución hubiese aprobado un problemático acto de arbitrariedad.
Had I voted in favour of this resolution, I would have given my support to a questionable and arbitrary act.
Nos hubiese gustado que el Sexto Programa marco para la investigación hubiese respaldado la clonación terapéutica.
We should have liked to have seen the sixth framework programme for research support therapeutic cloning.
Ordenó que no hubiese debate, al declarar que era muy importante que no lo hubiese.
It ordered that there be no debate, declaring that it was of the first importance that there be none.
Por este motivo, también hubiese sido positivo que la señora Cruz hubiese asistido a esta sesión.
For that reason, it would also have been good if Mrs Cruz had been present.
Yo, sinceramente, hubiese preferido que este debate se hubiese generado en sede parlamentaria, que hubiese sido un debate ciudadano y que ustedes pudiesen haberlo recogido.
I would sincerely have preferred for this debate to have taken place in Parliament, for there to have been a public debate and for you to have accepted it.
Sin embargo, me hubiese gustado que el Parlamento Europeo hubiese avanzado más allá de la fase de demandas legítimas y hubiese fijado un cierto número de prioridades.
I would, however, have liked the European Parliament to move beyond the stage of legitimate demands and set a certain number of priorities.
No es posible seguir como si nada hubiese sucedido.
It is not acceptable to continue as if nothing had happened.
Nos hubiese gustado que se alcanzaran resultados más concretos.
We should like to have seen more concrete results.
Usted no estaría en su cargo si no hubiese obtenido nuestra aprobación.
You would not be in office if we had not given you our blessing.
Menos hubiese sido, sin duda, mejor en este caso.
Perhaps less would be more in this case.
El Sr. Harbour lamentaba que no me hubiese referido a las desregulaciones.
Mr Harbour complained that I did not address the issue of deregulation.
¿Y qué habría dicho usted si esta tentativa hubiese fracasado?
What would you have said had we failed in our attempt?
Por todo esto me hubiese gustado una redacción más clara.
I should therefore have liked to have seen clearer wording.
Parece como si el traductor hubiese traducido otro texto.
It looks like the translator has translated a different text.
A mí también me hubiese gustado una propuesta más radical.
I too should have liked the proposal to have gone much further.
Si me hubiese escuchado, se habría terminado hace tiempo este asunto.
If you had listened to me, this matter would have been sorted out long ago!
A veces, la conclusión que uno saca es: si hubiese hecho...
Sometimes one's conclusion is: if only I had ?
Pero ¿qué habríamos hecho si algo así se hubiese desbordado?
What would we have done, however, if something like this had got out of hand?
Por lo tanto, su revisión también hubiese sido oportuna.
It would therefore also be appropriate to reopen his case.
Se hubiese debido adoptar una posición más clara al respecto.
A clear stand should have been taken on this issue.
¿Cómo sobrevivirían los grupos del armamento si no hubiese dinero público?
How would armaments consortiums survive if there were no public money?
Sin duda, con el Presidente Yanukóvich ello no hubiese sido posible.
Under President Yanukovych, this would certainly not have been possible.
Ello no habría sucedido si se hubiese preservado su anonimato.
This could not have happened if her anonymity had been preserved.
Por ejemplo, me gustaría que hubiese más en Bruselas.
For example, I wish there were more of them in Brussels.
Si la UE hubiese escuchado se habría respetado esa decisión.
If the EU had listened, that decision would have been respected.
Si hubiese sucedido en Venezuela, todos habríamos protestado.
If it had been in Venezuela every one of us would have protested.
En este punto yo hubiese preferido un enfoque más ambicioso.
I would have preferred a more ambitious approach here.
Sin duda alguna, eso hubiese sido la mejor solución.
That would have been the best solution.
Y con un poco de voluntad hubiese sido posible.
With a measure of good will, that could have been done.
Personalmente, me hubiese gustado que las reducciones hubiesen sido incluso mayores.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen greater cuts still.
En ese momento, hubiese deseado desaparecer, pero lo abracé.
I would have wanted to die, and instead I just embraced him.
Imaginemos si hubiese un crecimiento muy acelerado en estas cifras.
Imagine if there were to be a very rapid increase in these.
Si la hubiese, algún país ya la habría encontrado.
If there was, some country would have found it by now.
Si no se hubiese descubierto, se habrían perdido numerosas vidas.
Had it not been discovered, multiple loss of life would have occurred.
Me hubiese gustado, además, que esta orden incorporase dos cuestiones.
I would also have liked this order to have incorporated two issues.
Esta medida hubiese constituido un paso en la dirección adecuada.
That really would have been a step in the right direction.
Esta prohibición hubiese entrado en vigor a finales de este mes.
This prohibition could have entered into force as early as the end of this month.
Si hubiese estado atenta, habría escuchado que no prosperó.
If you had been listening you would have heard that it fell.
Actuar como si no hubiese pasado nada es puro cinismo.
To pretend that nothing has happened is hypocrisy!
¡Si lo hubiese hecho público, no necesitaríamos una comisión de investigación!
If you had come clean about it, we would not have needed a committee of inquiry.
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