Spanish Sentences using hubiera
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Carlos would have played if he had come at 9:00 a.m.
We would have cooked the meat if Pedro had bought it.
John said that he would have bought the tickets if the park had been open.
John said that he would have been able to buy the tickets if Mary had brought the money.
He didn't tell us anything that could have been useful.
Mary would have cleaned the house if John had helped her.
We would have painted the living room if there had been time.
John would have studied if he had been able to find the book.
Mary would have bought the tickets if she had had the money.
The boys would have understood the lesson if the teacher had explained it again.
We would have gone to the park if it had been sunny.
John would have earned lots of money if he had worked more.
I would have carried the suitcases if John had helped me.
The teacher said that she was hoping that I had come to class early.
If I had had money, I would have bought that car.
Mary would have gone to the library with us if she had been able to.
The little girl was cryiing as if the fruit hadn't agreed with her.
I would have come to the class early yesterday if I had been able.
Doña Soledad had looked at us as if she had already found out waht we wanted to know.
If I had done the homework in the afternoon I would have been able to go to bed earlier.
I would talk to him as though I had decided to invest some money in the business.
Would you have greeted them, or would you have continued on your way as if you hadn't seen them?
go on working as though the boss hadn't left yet.
I thought Hugo would have already washed the dog. I didn't think Hugo would have washed the dog.
If he had done his homework this afternoon he would be able to go to bed now.
She would have arrived early for the meeting if she had been able to.
Mary would have come to the class early if she had been able.
I would have been able to see the movie if I had done my homework this afternoon.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the test.
I would have lost the right to take the final examination if I had missed more than nine classes.
Even if he had studied 20 hours a day, he wouldn't have passed the exam.
John would have felt better if he had taken the medicine that the doctor prescribed.
If it had left on time, we would have arrived in Madrid at six.
I would have taken the suitcases to the hotel if I had been able to find a taxi.
If he had, the tank would have been full when you took it.
Mary would have been able to help us if she had known how to speak French.
We would have visited the museum if it had been open.
I would have visited the museum if it had been open.
If Irma had been at home that day, she would have received the flowers herself.
You would have been able to go to the zoo if there had been time.
If I could have bought this house I would have done it.
How would he give rise to this revolutionary movement?
I would have liked you to see him play, it was as if he were caressing the strings.
If he had bought it, he wouldn't have had any money left.
If I had known it, I would have taken your car and not mine.
He should have just been quiet and all this wouldn't have happened.
I should have done it but I didn't feel like do it.
I could have told you but you wouldn't have believed me.
Also, if I had spoken about this before, I would not have received flowers today.
Mary would have done the work if she had been able to.
If he had offered him a job, he would have accepted.
If only he would obtain a steady position.
Today I would have a job if I had prepared them.
The population reacted as if it had never received exterior influence.
I would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if I had been able to.
John would have bought the new car if the bank had lent him the money.
I would have cleaned the house if Mary had helped me.
John said that he would have changed the tire if he had been able to find the jack.
I would have cashed the check if the bank had been open.
John would have gone to the party if Mary had invited him.
I was hoping that John had spoken with the teacher.
John would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if he had been able.
Mary said that she would have given them the money yesterday if she had been able to.
The suitcase would have fit if it had been smaller.
Of course I would have given him my phone number and email address if he had asked for them.
The boys would have gone to the park if it had been sunny.
I was hoping that John had been able to do the work.
The evening would have been perfect if he had danced at least one dance with me.
If I hadn't divorced her, we would have been married for 25 years today.
If I had met you last summer, I would surely have invited you to my birthday party.
We would have bought the tickets if John had given us the money.
We would have washed the car if it had been dirty.
Licha was very sorry that I'd sold the piano.
John would not have had an accident if he had driven safely.
It was only natural to suppose that Mr. Sandoval should have returned from his trip by that day.
If I had dedicated more time on studying, I would have known how to say many things in Spanish by now.
Francamente, hubiera deseado más.
Frankly, I would have wished for more.
¿Quién lo hubiera pensado?
Who would have thought it?
Más hubiera resultado imposible.
More would have been impossible.
Tampoco hubiera sido posible.
Nor would this be possible.
Si hubiera diálogo civil.
If only we had civil dialogue.
Más les hubiera valido.
It would have become them.
Hubiera sido una sorpresa que hubiera aprovechado los nueve minutos.
It would have indeed surprised me if you had taken nine minutes.
Si hubiera estado aquí, hubiera hecho una corrección.
Had I been here, I would have made a correction.
Hubiera preferido que hubiera sido de otra forma.
I would have much preferred it to be otherwise.
No creo que eso hubiera sucedido.
I do not think that would be possible.
Hubiera sido un error trágico.
That would have been a tragic mistake.
¡Si no hubiera cambio no habría resistencias!
If there were no change, then there would be no resistance.
Me gustaría que hubiera un intérprete.
I would like there to be interpreting.
¡Si hubiera sido al revés!
Would it had been the other way around!
Si hubiera un diálogo bidireccional.
If only we had two-way dialogue.
Nadie hubiera deseado que ocurriera.
No one would have wished it to happen.
Eso no hubiera causado demasiado daño.
That would not have caused too much damage.
Si la realidad hubiera desempeñado un papel y si se hubiera preguntado a los criminalistas, se hubiera recibido una respuesta clara.
If reality had had a role to play and if the criminologists had been asked, a clear answer would have been received.
Si se hubiera enmendado, o si se hubiera podido votar a favor de dicha enmienda, hubiera apoyado el informe Mikko.
Had that been amended, or had I been able to vote for such an amendment, I would have approved the Mikko report.
No quisiera que hubiera confusión en este debate.
There should be no confusion in this debate. As environmentalists, we do not want an excuse for a motion.
Si no lo estuviera, no hubiera hecho esta propuesta.
If it were not, this proposal would not have been made.
Tal vez hubiera podido evitar esta debacle.
Maybe we would not be facing this debacle now.
Ello hubiera supuesto un gran retroceso.
That would clearly have meant a step backwards.
Pienso que un comisario hubiera podido representarla.
I think that at least one commissioner could have represented you at Durban.
¿De qué hubiera habido que hablar entonces?
What, then, should have been discussed?
Hace seis meses hubiera sido totalmente inconcebible.
Six months ago, this would have been absolutely unthinkable.
No me gustaría que hubiera malentendidos al respecto.
I would not want to see any misunderstandings about that.
Si no, con mucho gusto lo hubiera hecho.
Otherwise I would very gladly have done so.
Esto es lo que hubiera querido decirle:
This is what I wanted to say:
¿Quizás les hubiera dado un premio?
Perhaps it would have awarded them a prize?
Ojalá la Convención hubiera tomado este rumbo.
I wish the Convention had chosen this route.
Creemos que hubiera sido un buen Comisario.
We believe he would have been a good Commissioner.
Me hubiera gustado que las cosas fueran diferentes.
That is not the way I should have liked it to have been.
Yo habría preferido que las hubiera escuchado.
I should have preferred him to have listened to them.
Personalmente, hubiera preferido plazos más largos.
Personally, I would have liked longer deadlines.
Hubiera preferido que fueran algo más ambiciosos.
I would like them to be a little more ambitious.
Existían antes de que hubiera una UE.
They existed before there was an EU.
Parece como si me hubiera leído el pensamiento.
I think you voiced my own thoughts on the subject.
A mí también me hubiera gustado venir antes.
I should very much have liked to come here earlier.
El señor Ayral hubiera sido feliz hoy.
Mr Ayral would certainly have been happy today.
Hubiera preferido que se lograra para 2012.
I would prefer to see this achieved by 2012.
Me gustaría que hubiera más compromiso al respecto.
I should like to see more commitment in this area.
No es que no hubiera verdad en el asunto.
It was not the case that there was no truth in the story.
Esa hubiera sido la decisión correcta.
This would have been the right decision.
Desde luego, yo hubiera preferido esa opción.
I certainly would have preferred that option.
No debemos actuar como si nada hubiera sucedido.
Let us not behave as if nothing has happened.
Si no hubiera presupuesto, no podría haber financiación disponible.
If there were no budget, then the funding could not be made available.
Quisiéramos que hubiera una cierta coherencia.
We would like to see some consistency.
Si hubiera habido pérdidas y se hubiera demostrado que alguien había cometido fraude, entonces se hubiera perseguido al culpable y se hubiera recuperado el dinero.
If losses occurred and people were found guilty of fraud, then they would have been pursued and the money recovered.
Si no hubiera objeción, así lo haría.
If no-one objects, that is what I will do.
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