Spanish Sentences using gusto
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Will you attend the class with me? Yes, with pleasure, I will attend the class with you.
I'm very glad we don't owe anybody anything anymore.
When you see your boss, tell him that it was a pleasure to meet him.
We're very pleased that you've gotten well and that you're all right now.
We were very pleased that you had gotten well and that you were all right.
Sí, con gusto, te llevaré y tomaremos la clase juntos.
Yes, with pleasure, I will take you and we will take the class together.
Me gusta mucho / Me da gusto
I like it very much
Compartimos el mismo gusto en cuanto al cine.
We have the same taste when it comes to movies.
Te has pasado, es una broma de muy mal gusto.
You passed, it's a joke in bad taste.
Qué gusto da que te atiendan bien.
It's great that they serve you well.
El carro me gusto más o menos.
I more or less liked the car.
Me da mucho gusto conocerlo
It is nice to meet you
Les atenderé con mucho gusto.
I will wait on them with much pleasure.
¡Qué gusto que ya te hubieras aliviado!
How nice that you had gotten well!
Con el frío que hace me quedo en casa muy a gusto.
With the cold weather I stayed comfortably at home.
Sí, como no, te ayudaré con mucho gusto.
Yes, of course, I will help you with pleasure.
Compartimos el mismo gusto en cuanto a peliculas.
We have the same taste when it comes to movies.
– Con mucho gusto.
– I am happy to do that.
. (EN) Responderé con mucho gusto.
I will answer with pleasure.
Voy a hacerlo con mucho gusto.
I am very happy to do so.
Lo haremos con mucho gusto.
We are all happy to do this.
Lo hacemos con mucho gusto.
We are glad to do this.
Tengo mucho gusto en hacerlo.
I am very pleased to do so.
Con mucho gusto, señor Provan.
Mr Provan, I will answer you with pleasure.
Lo haré con mucho gusto.
I am quite happy to do that.
Yo lo haría con gusto.
I would happily run such a debate!
Lo haré con mucho gusto, señora Napoletano.
I shall be happy to do so, Mrs Napoletano.
Así lo haré con mucho gusto, Señoría.
I will gladly do that, Mr Sakellariou
Señora Paciotti, lo haré con mucho gusto.
I shall be very happy to do that.
Señora Presidenta, contesto con sumo gusto.
Madam President, I shall be delighted to reply to Mr Varela Suanzes-Carpegna.
Por esto, he votado con gusto a favor.
I was therefore delighted to vote in favour.
Si no, con mucho gusto lo hubiera hecho.
Otherwise I would very gladly have done so.
No lo haríamos con gusto, pero hay límites.
We should not do that with any pleasure, but there are limits.
En consecuencia, he votado con mucho gusto a favor.
This is why I voted for it gladly.
Me encuentro muy a gusto y ¿sabes por qué?
I am really enjoying my job, and you know why?
Sigo con mucho gusto su consejo.
I am quite happy to follow your advice.
Tenemos demasiadas banderas para mi gusto.
We have too many flags as far as I am concerned.
Asistiré con mucho gusto a este interesante debate.
I am looking forward to an interesting debate.
Con sumo gusto le enviaré una copia.
I will be delighted to send you a copy.
Me parece un nombre de mal gusto.
This seems to me to be in poor taste.
Esperamos con gusto su próxima visita.
We look forward to your next visit.
Es algo que admitiré aquí con gusto.
I will gladly admit that here.
Con mucho gusto colaboraría con usted.
I would be happy to work together with you on this.
Nosotros estamos aquí mucho más a gusto.
We are really much better off here.
Apoyo este informe con mucho gusto.
I support this report with great pleasure.
Señor Andrews, con mucho gusto le contesto.
I am very happy to respond, Mr Andrews.
Señora McCarthy, lo haré con mucho gusto.
I shall do so with great pleasure, Mrs McCarthy.
Por ello me someto con gusto a este ejercicio.
This is why I yield willingly to this exercise.
Responderé con mucho gusto, señor Presidente.
Mr President, I will be happy to respond.
Siempre da gusto responder a esas preguntas.
It is always a pleasure to answer these questions.
Pero también hoy volveré a abordarlas con gusto.
I am, however, quite happy to go over them again today.
Recibo con gusto esta declaración del Comisario.
I welcome this statement from the Commissioner.
Señor Presidente, procuraré hacerlo con mucho gusto.
Mr President, I should gladly like to try that.
Y por tanto, la apoyamos con gusto.
This is why we gladly subscribe to the resolution.
Lo haría con mucho gusto, pero no estoy autorizado a ello.
I would gladly do so, but I am not allowed to.
Señora Presidenta, he votado con mucho gusto a favor del informe Sörensen.
Madam President, it was with great pleasure that I voted for the Sörensen report.
Con mucho gusto respondo a la pregunta de su Señoría.
I am very happy to answer the honourable Member' s question.
Gracias, Señoría, con mucho gusto tomo nota de esta intervención.
Thank you, Mr Bradbourn, I shall happily take note of this comment.
Gracias Sr. Provan, saludo con mucho gusto a esta delegación.
Thank you, Mr Provan. I am very happy to welcome this delegation.
Con mucho gusto, se los remitiré para que los comprueben.
I happily leave it to you to examine this matter.
Nadie abandona su tierra, su cultura, su familia por gusto.
Nobody wants to abandon their land, their culture or their family.
Ahora, mejor que nunca, nunca llueve a gusto de todos.
Now, more than ever, we can' t please everyone.
Con mucho gusto tomo nota de esta declaración.
I shall, of course, take note of what you have said.
Señor Rübig, con mucho gusto daremos a conocer ese número.
Mr Rübig, we will be very happy to give you that number.
No sirve estrictamente para nada, salvo para modificar el gusto.
It does not strictly do anything apart from altering the taste.
Por lo demás respaldamos con mucho gusto el resultado común.
Apart from that, we give our wholehearted approval to the joint outcome.
Con mucho gusto tomamos nota de esta declaración.
We shall of course take note of what you have said.
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