Spanish Sentences using gravemente
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The He was so seriously injured that he had to have surgery.
Gravemente enfermo
seriously ill
El paciente continúa gravemente herido.
The patient continues seriously wounded.
Ahora se encuentra gravemente amenazada.
This is now under severe threat.
No obstante, estamos quedando gravemente rezagados.
Nevertheless, we are falling seriously behind.
Además perjudican gravemente a las poblaciones indígenas.
They also seriously damage the indigenous populations.
Esto sería gravemente perjudicial para el documento.
That is something that would seriously damage the document.
El régimen de no proliferación está gravemente amenazado.
The non-proliferation regime is seriously challenged.
El Mar Báltico está gravemente enfermo.
The Baltic Sea is seriously ill.
Estos problemas están afectando gravemente a sus ingresos.
These problems are seriously affecting their income.
Cientos de personas están gravemente enfermas.
Hundreds of people are severely ill.
Este proyecto incluso se verá gravemente socavado.
That project may even be seriously undermined.
Hace no demasiado tiempo todavía eran gravemente perseguidas.
Not so long ago they were the subject of serious persecution.
Se trata de una situación gravemente peligrosa que debemos evitar.
Whatever the details, whichever way you look at it, it is a damned dangerous situation which we have to avoid.
Esta circunstancia perjudica gravemente la competitividad de dichas mezclas.
This seriously harms the competitiveness of those mixtures.
Por lo tanto, la investigación norteamericana está gravemente viciada.
The American research is therefore seriously flawed.
No obstante, si se dirige mal, perjudicará gravemente a la Unión.
However, if it is handled badly, it will seriously damage the Union.
Sabemos que esas dificultades afectan gravemente a su desarrollo.
We know how those handicaps seriously hamper their development.
La mundialización perjudicará gravemente el futuro de Europa.
Globalisation will seriously damage the future of Europe.
Dos policías franceses han resultado gravemente heridos hoy.
Two French policemen have been seriously injured today.
La libertad de expresión se halla gravemente amenazada en Rusia.
Freedom of speech is in great danger in Russia.
Para ello necesitamos respuestas a preguntas que preocupan gravemente a nuestros ciudadanos.
For this we need answers to the questions that weigh heavily on the minds of our citizens.
Como consecuencia, nuestra legislación ambiental puede quedar gravemente menoscabada.
This may lead to our environmental legislation being seriously undermined.
Creo que nos haría perder gravemente nuestra credibilidad.
I believe that would seriously dent our credibility.
El señor Havel está gravemente enfermo y se encuentra hospitalizado.
Václav Havel is gravely ill and has been hospitalised.
El aumento del trabajo ilegal mina gravemente la competencia económica.
The growth of illegal work seriously undermines economic competition.
La crisis ha afectado gravemente a uno de nuestros sectores clave.
This crisis has hit one of our key industries very hard.
La crisis actual está afectando gravemente a millones de personas.
The present crisis is having a very severe impact on millions of people.
También ha afectado gravemente a la confianza en el euro.
It has seriously shaken confidence in the euro.
Basta con perder el empleo o enfermar gravemente.
It is enough to lose your job or become seriously ill.
Patrick Kelly está gravemente enfermo y su salud sigue empeorando.
Patrick Kelly is gravely ill and his health continues to deteriorate.
Estas críticas dañan gravemente la imagen de nuestro Parlamento.
These incidents are seriously damaging to our Parliament's image.
Se corre el riesgo de desvirtuar gravemente la democracia.
There is a risk that democracy will be greatly undermined.
Eufemísticamente expresado, Presidente, ya va siendo hora y vuelvo a pedir a la Comisión: asuma su responsabilidad, hasta ahora ha fallado gravemente, muy gravemente.
To put it mildly, Mr President, it is well overdue, and I ask the Commission once more to fulfil its responsibilities at last, because it has been extremely remiss.
Así pues, la relación Marruecos-Unión Europea se debe de resentir gravemente.
Well, then, Morocco-European Union relations must be seriously affected.
La seguridad del personal que se dedica a la asistencia humanitaria se ha visto gravemente comprometida.
The security of staff engaged in humanitarian assistance has been severely compromised.
En este sentido, la propuesta de la Comisión nos parece por tanto gravemente incompleta.
We regard that as a serious defect of the Commission's proposal.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, esta propuesta es gravemente injusta y desproporcionada y va mal orientada.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, this proposal is seriously unfair, poorly thought out and out of all proportion.
Si se les impide que lo hagan, el sistema de pagos quedaría gravemente perjudicado.
If they were disabled for that purpose, the payments system would be seriously damaged.
Tiene una forma todavía presentable, pero con un contenido gravemente deficiente.
The form is just about presentable, but is very much lacking in content.
Si se mantienen dichas enmiendas, el paquete se verá gravemente debilitado.
If those amendments are retained the package will be severely undermined.
Todo ello amenaza gravemente la Política Estructural y Regional de la UE.
This seriously threatens the regional and structural policy of the whole EU.
De lo contrario, el desplazamiento de estos animales se vería gravemente menoscabado.
Otherwise, the movement of these animals would be seriously undermined.
Se han exagerado los riesgos gravemente sobre la base de pruebas escandalosamente insuficientes.
The risks have been seriously overstated on the basis of scandalously poor evidence.
Igual que ocurre con tantas buenas propuestas, lamentablemente, el Libro Blanco contiene valoraciones gravemente erróneas.
As well as the many good proposals, the White Paper unfortunately contains seriously mistaken evaluations.
Sin embargo, la ONU se encuentra gravemente herida en estos momentos.
The UN is, however, seriously wounded at present.
Una intervención militar unilateral conduciría a una inestabilidad sin precedentes e impediría gravemente la reconstrucción del Iraq.
A unilateral military intervention will lead to unprecedented instability and seriously impede the reconstruction of Iraq.
concentrarse en las regiones subdesarrolladas y en otras regiones gravemente desfavorecidas en el aspecto estructural;
concentrate on underdeveloped and other acutely structurally disadvantaged regions;
La idea europea ha resultado gravemente perjudicada en la cumbre, donde fue la verdadera perdedora.
The European idea sustained serious damage at the summit, at which it was the real loser.
La Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria ACP-UE también se ha visto gravemente afectada.
The ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly has also been severely disrupted.
Ahora bien, esta disposición atenta gravemente contra la protección de la vida privada.
But that is a serious attack on the protection of private life.
Desafortunadamente ya no es excepcional que se asesine o se hiera gravemente a ciudadanos inocentes durante un asalto.
It is, unfortunately, no longer exceptional for innocent citizens to be killed or seriously injured during assaults.
ETA y su entorno limitan nuestra libertad y atentan gravemente contra el Estado de Derecho.
ETA and its followers restrict our liberty and threaten the rule of law.
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