Spanish Sentences using favorable
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The El pronóstico es favorable.
The prognosis is favorable.
Démosle un voto favorable.
Let us support it with our vote.
Este emitió un dictamen favorable.
It issued a favourable opinion.
De ahí nuestro voto favorable.
Hence our vote in favour of the report.
No es una propuesta suficientemente favorable.
It is not quite good enough.
¡Este es el aspecto favorable!
That is the one ray of sunshine.
Por tanto, soy favorable a esta enmienda.
I therefore support this amendment.
Eso explica el voto favorable a este informe.
This is why I am voting in favour of this report.
Señor Presidente, no soy favorable a esta Europa.
I am not in favour of this Europe, Mr President.
Vamos a dar gustosamente nuestro voto favorable.
We are very happy to vote for it.
Yo acojo esto de forma muy favorable.
I very much welcome that.
Vamos a escuchar a un orador favorable a esta solicitud.
We shall now hear a Member who is in favour of this request.
Espero que su voto sea favorable.
I hope for a 'yes' vote.
Tengo una opinión favorable al respecto.
I take a favourable view of this.
La coyuntura parece clara y favorable.
The current situation appears to be clear and favourable.
Le deseamos buena suerte y viento favorable.
We wish you good luck and fair winds.
Lamentablemente, su equilibrio no es nada favorable.
Unfortunately, its balance is not at all favourable.
Mi impresión es favorable en este sentido.
I have a good impression in that regard.
Y este mercado no siempre les es favorable.
The market is not always favourable to them.
Pido a la Asamblea su voto favorable.
I ask the House to approve it.
Por eso mi voto es, naturalmente, favorable.
For this reason, I am naturally voting in favour.
Soy favorable a la intención del informe.
I am positively against the intentions of this report.
Se necesita un clima empresarial favorable.
We need a positive business climate.
Básicamente, su resultado es bastante favorable.
Basically its review is pretty favourable.
Esto es, evidentemente, una evolución favorable.
This is of course a welcome development.
Por ello, pedimos el voto favorable.
We therefore ask you to vote in favour of them.
Por lo demás, no soy favorable, en general, a las sanciones, más bien soy favorable al diálogo político.
In general, I am not, moreover, in favour of sanctions. I tend, rather, to be in favour of political dialogue.
Nuestro Parlamento se ha mostrado favorable a este texto.
Parliament voted in favour of this text.
Por eso la gran industria se muestra favorable a su utilización.
That is why big industry is so much in favour of them.
Pido, por lo tanto, el voto favorable para estas enmiendas.
I would therefore ask you to vote in favour of these amendments.
Sin embargo, ésta no es sino la segunda solución más favorable.
But that is only the second cheapest solution.
A eso se debe nuestro voto favorable al informe.
This is why we have voted in favour of the report.
Por principio, no soy favorable a la creación de una agencia.
In principle, I am not in favour of the creation of an agency.
Por estos avances, hemos emitido un voto favorable a este informe.
In view of this progress, we have voted in favour of this report.
También al informe sobre Chipre he dado mi voto favorable.
I voted for the report on Cyprus as well.
Creo que sería muy peligroso: por tanto no soy favorable a ello.
I think that would be very dangerous, so I am not in favour of it.
La posición de la Unión Europea ha sido siempre favorable.
The EU' s position on this issue has always been positive.
Tenemos una postura favorable hacia la Unión Europea.
We are basically well-disposed towards the European Union.
Por tanto, expreso mi opinión favorable a la enmienda 10.
I am therefore in favour of Amendment No 10.
Por esas razones, el informe no merece nuestro voto favorable.
For these reasons, we could not vote for this report.
Me agrada especialmente el tono, en general, favorable del informe.
I am all the more pleased to note the generally very favourable tone of the report.
La propuesta de la Comisión merece nuestro voto favorable.
The Commission proposal warrants our vote.
- (PT) El informe Markov ha merecido nuestro voto favorable.
We were happy to vote for the Markov report.
Por lo tanto, nuestro voto es favorable al informe.
Hence our vote in favour of the report.
En conjunto, creo que esta perspectiva es favorable.
As a whole, I regard this picture as a favourable one.
Seguro que esperaban una evaluación algo más favorable.
No doubt they had reckoned on a rather more favourable assessment.
Dicho esto, quiero agradecerles su respuesta favorable a estos informes.
Having said this, I should like to thank you once more for giving such a favourable response to these reports.
El Parlamento era favorable a la armonización de la legislación.
Parliament was in favour of harmonising the law.
Le deseamos viento favorable con respecto tan solo a esta cuestión.
We wish him a fair wind only as regards that particular issue.
La cooperación ha sido favorable en todos los ámbitos.
Cooperation is good in all areas.
Así, preconizamos más rigor en tiempos de coyuntura favorable.
Thus, we recommend greater stringency when the economic climate is good.
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