Spanish Sentences using estudiado
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The For someone who hadn't studied Spanish before, Elsie has learned a lot.
John would have studied if he had been able to find the book.
I think Pablo has studies to be a doctor. I don't think he has studied to be a journalist.
Why shouldn't you've passed the exam, having studied the way you did!
I think Luis will have studied for the test. I don't think Luisa have studied yet.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the test.
Even if he had studied 20 hours a day, he wouldn't have passed the exam.
We would have studied more, but we were very tired.
I thought that the boys had studied the lesson.
Would you know the exam's answers if you hould have studied?
The students would have learned if they had studied.
Los que ya habían estudiado español antes se inscribieron en el segundo.
Those that had already studied Spanish before registered in course two.
Yo he estudiado la lección.
I have studied the lesson (la lección).
¿Has estudiado la lección?
Have you studied the lesson?
María ha estudiado la lección.
Mary has studied the lesson.
Las muchachas han estudiado la lección.
The girls have studied the lesson.
Juan dice que él ha estudiado la lección.
John says that he has studied the lesson.
Yo he estudiado la lección.
I have studied the lesson.
Yo creo que Juan ha estudiado la lección.
I think that John has studied the lesson.
Juan no ha estudiado el capítulo cinco todavía.
John has not studied chapter five yet.
Yo creo que los muchachos han estudiado la lección.
I think that the boys have studied the lesson.
Los muchachos han estudiado la lección.
The boys have studied the lesson.
Ya la hemos estudiado.
We have already studied it.
Las he estudiado atentamente.
I have studied them carefully.
Se han estudiado determinados principios.
Certain principles have been studied.
Me veo obligada a decirlo, ya que he estudiado filosofía.
I, who had an education in philosophy, feel compelled to say this.
– He estudiado detenidamente el documento de la Comisión.
I have familiarised myself with the document from the Commission.
¿Ha estudiado la Comisión el asunto?
Has the Commission examined this matter?
Hemos estudiado esta cuestión con mucho detenimiento.
We have examined this question in very great depth.
¿Puede decirnos qué soluciones se han estudiado?
Can you tell us what solutions have been studied?
He estudiado la cuestión y así es.
I have studied the issue and that is the case.
Es algo que ciertamente necesita ser estudiado.
This is something that certainly needs to be studied.
Señora Thyssen, hemos estudiado el tema.
Mrs Thyssen, we have examined the matter.
Hemos estudiado este asunto con mucho detenimiento.
We have looked into this very carefully.
De otra forma, tal vez no hubiera estudiado nunca.
I might never have studied otherwise.
La Comisión Europea ha estudiado el asunto en su comunicación.
In its communication, the European Commission provided a sound overview of the issue as a whole.
No se ha estudiado seriamente ninguna solución alternativa al RPA.
No alternative solution to the system of refunds on agricultural products has been seriously looked into.
Todo esto será estudiado por el procedimiento de comitología.
All of that will be dealt with under the issue of comitology.
El Consejo ha estudiado con mucho detenimiento los gastos administrativos.
Administrative expenditure has been discussed in great detail by the Council.
El ponente ha estudiado muy detenidamente las posibilidades.
The rapporteur has looked very closely at the possibilities.
He estudiado el aluvión de informes que se han presentado.
I have now studied the flood of reports that have come in.
Se desconfía de todos los que han estudiado.
Anyone who has had an education is distrusted.
Hemos estudiado el informe anual correspondiente al año 2002.
We have been able to study the annual report for 2002.
Hemos estudiado todas estas cuestiones detenidamente y con bastante detalle.
We have gone through all of these questions carefully and in some significant detail.
Los hemos estudiado y los hemos tenido en cuenta.
We looked into them and took them into consideration.
La Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos ha estudiado estas propuestas.
The Committee on Legal Affairs has studied these proposals.
Se ha estudiado y resuelto la mayoría de esos asuntos.
Most of those issues were addressed and resolved.
Permitámosles quedarse, si han estudiado aquí no son inmigrantes ilegales.
Let them stay here; if they have studied here, they are not illegal immigrants.
He estudiado el punto relativo a la información sobre Europa.
I have studied the point concerning information on Europe.
Sé que lo ha estudiado hasta el último detalle.
I know you have looked into it in great detail.
No hemos estudiado los usos comerciales no agrícolas de los plaguicidas.
We have studied the non-agricultural commercial uses of pesticides.
He estudiado las cargas financieras de mi propuesta sobre ayudas materiales.
I have studied the financial cost of my proposal on material assistance.
Las hemos estudiado y creemos que son loables.
We have looked at these and think that they are laudable.
Primero lo hemos estudiado en comparación con otras industrias.
We first examined this in relation to other automobile industries.
He estudiado este informe y no veo razón para presentar enmiendas a él.
I have studied this report and can see no reason to put in any amendments to it.
He estudiado con atención el informe de nuestra colega Heidi Hautala.
I have studied in detail the report by Mrs Heidi Hautala.
Esto debe ser estudiado y entonces será tratado como corresponde.
That will have to be examined and then dealt with accordingly.
Por este motivo he estudiado el informe muy detenidamente.
Therefore I have studied the report very carefully.
Sí, señor Fayot, se han estudiado atentamente estas enmiendas.
Yes, Mr Fayot, we have examined these amendments very carefully.
Se está estudiando y será estudiado en profundidad, en particular en la Directiva 90/220.
It is being addressed and will be addressed in a comprehensive way, particularly in Directive 90/220.
La comisión ha estudiado dos ámbitos importantes que son motivo de preocupación.
Two major areas of concern about the proposal were considered by the Committee.
El Parlamento también ha estudiado atentamente los ámbitos en que se aplica esta directiva.
Parliament has also looked very carefully into the areas to which this directive applies.
Todo individuo tiene derecho a que se reconozca aquello que ha estudiado.
All individuals have the right for their studies to be recognised.
He estudiado otras legislaciones para descubrir qué analogías o qué ventajas podemos sacar de ellas.
I look to other legislation to see what analogies or what benefits can be drawn from it.
La OMI, órgano marítimo de la ONU, ha estudiado este fenómeno en los últimos diez años.
Over the last decade, this has been observed by the UN' s maritime body, the IMO.
El Sr. Casaca ha estudiado el informe especial del Tribunal de Cuentas.
Mr Casaca has dealt with the special report by the Court of Auditors.
Puedo decirle que hemos estudiado estos incidentes con toda la seriedad que se merecen.
I can assure you that we take such incidents quite as seriously as they deserve.
Pero este asunto será estudiado detenidamente cuando la Mesa se reúna de nuevo mañana.
But the matter will be given full discussion when the Bureau meets again tomorrow.
Ya lo ha estudiado el comité del artículo 36 y ahora ha sido sometido al COREPER.
It has also been examined by the Article 36 Committee and is now before the COREPER.
Las he estudiado en vano para hacer una evaluación realista de las consecuencias para el sector.
I have studied them in vain for a realistic business impact assessment.
Pues bien, hemos estudiado esta posibilidad y un minucioso análisis nos ha llevado a las siguientes conclusiones.
Well, we have looked into this and a detailed analysis has brought us to the following conclusion.
Mientras tanto, ya lo hemos estudiado en el marco del IV Programa Marco.
We have already discussed it in the context of the Fourth Framework Programme.
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