Spanish Sentences using esas
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Had you bought that stock last year, now you would be rich.
Had you bought that stock last year, you would have made a lot of money.
Those cows are the ones that were sent to the farm.
Had you bought that stock last year, you would be rich now.
Those inns are the ones that have private patios.
Currently we have a flat with those characteristics and it is also very sunny.
Those lights are the ones he saw on the sea yesterday.
Those are the launches which travel to the island.
With no doubt those are words that would never come out of my mouth, I would never speak badly of Marcelo.
Those birds had flown to the lake of the nature reserve.
If you had not spoken about that golden coin, I would have never seen one of those.
Behind these mountains there is a very beautiful lake, we can try to reach it and go for a swim!
La policía dice que esas joyas son muy valiosas.
The police say that those jewels are very valuable.
Se dice que esas joyas son muy valiosas.
It is said that those jewels are very valuable.
Dicen que esas joyas son muy valiosas.
They say that those jewels are very valuable.
¿Esas islas pertenecen a Grecia?
Are these islands part of Greece?
¿Te traumatizan mucho esas historias de terror?
Do these horror stories traumatize you a lot?
¡Tremendos recuerdos que nos traes con esas anécdotas!
Great memories that you bring with that anecdote.
¿Cómo se verá a través de esas gafas de moda?
How does one see through those fashion glasses?
No has unido bien esas dos piezas.
You haven’t put the two pieces together.
¿Qué incluyen esas medidas?
What is included in these measures?
¿Qué pretenden esas medidas?
What is intended through these measures?
Con esas dos características.
I wanted to highlight these two aspects.
También compartimos esas preocupaciones.
We too share these concerns.
No entramos en esas cuestiones.
Let us not get into this argument.
No podemos rebasar esas fronteras.
We cannot cross the borders.
Nosotros apoyaremos esas reformas.
We will support that reform.
Esas materias no son transfronterizas.
These issues are not of a directly cross-border nature.
Esas son mis preguntas.
Secondly, I would like to know about the US administration’s no-fly lists.
¿Confirma usted esas cifras?
Can you confirm these figures?
¿Cómo entran esas enfermedades?
How are these diseases getting in?
¿Vamos a aprovechar esas posibilidades?
Are we going to use those possibilities?
. Hemos aceptado esas enmiendas.
We have accepted those amendments.
Esas situaciones deben diferenciarse.
We must distinguish between these situations.
Esas cuestiones son importantes.
They are all important issues.
Trabajaremos sobre esas cuestiones.
We will be working on those issues.
¿Podría proporcionarnos esas estadísticas?
Could you provide us with those statistics?
Esas muertes podrían prevenirse.
These deaths could be prevented.
Esas inquietudes deben escucharse.
Those concerns must be listened to.
Examinaré todas esas opciones.
We will look at all these options.
Explíquenme esas dos visitas.
Explain these two visits to me.
Gracias por esas palabras.
Thank you for those words.
Esas sustancias pueden evitarse.
These substances can be avoided.
Apoyamos plenamente esas medidas.
We fully support those measures.
Puedo apoyar esas enmiendas.
I can support these amendments.
Esas calificaciones no deben deteriorarse.
These ratings must not deteriorate.
¡Esas son cuestiones reales!
Those are the real issues!
Queremos relanzar esas propuestas.
We want to put those proposals back on track.
Ayudémosles a hacer esas inversiones.
Let us help them to make that investment.
Esas cifras causan consternación.
It is a dismal record.
No comentaré esas declaraciones.
I shall not comment on that.
¿Serán teóricas esas medidas?
Will those penalties be theoretical?
Necesitamos examinar esas cuestiones.
We need to be able to discuss these issues.
No comparto esas críticas.
I do not support this criticism.
Esas promesas deben cumplirse.
These promises must be kept.
No debemos frustrar esas esperanzas.
We should not disappoint them.
Le agradezco esas observaciones.
Thank you for those comments.
Esas previsiones no se publican.
Those forecasts are not published.
Han solicitado esas aclaraciones.
They have asked for these clarifications.
Esas otras medidas pueden permitirse en esas circunstancias.
That other measure can be allowed in those circumstances.
Esas son mis tres preguntas.
These are my three questions.
Naturalmente, nos oponemos a esas opciones.
We are, of course, opposed to such ideas.
Deberemos aprovechar todas esas posibilidades.
We must take advantage of all these opportunities.
Nos oponemos enérgicamente a esas propuestas.
We are firm opponents of these proposals.
Estamos intentando rectificar esas deficiencias.
We are trying to rectify these deficiencies.
Esas personas pueden ser ajusticiadas.
These individuals' lives are now at risk.
¿Qué hacer en esas condiciones?
In such conditions, what can we do?
Esas organizaciones también necesitan ayuda.
They, too, need our support.
¿Acaso no nos importan esas personas?
Do these people not matter to us?
Espero que recordemos esas palabras.
I hope we are able to take these words to heart.
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