Spanish Sentences using deseado
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The Thanks to the calendar we are able to position ourselves in the desire day.
Siempre había deseado tener un auto deportivo.
I had always wished to have a sport car.
Él siempre había deseado ser famoso.
He had always wished to be famous.
Francamente, hubiera deseado más.
Frankly, I would have wished for more.
¿Habríamos deseado avanzar más?
Would we have wanted to go further?
Nadie hubiera deseado que ocurriera.
No one would have wished it to happen.
Habríamos deseado que ello sucediera.
We naturally wanted and expected that to happen.
Amsterdam no trajo el esclarecimiento deseado.
Amsterdam did not bring the desired clarification.
Ustedes han deseado este procedimiento.
Is this a procedure you hoped and prayed for?
Están muy por debajo del nivel deseado.
They fall well short of the desired level.
La diplomacia no conseguirá el resultado deseado.
Diplomacy will fail to produce the desired outcome.
Naturalmente no era un efecto deseado por mí.
That is of course an effect which I did not intend to have.
Desde luego, este no es el objetivo deseado.
This is not a development to be welcomed.
Habría deseado que esto se reflejase aquí.
I would have liked to see that reflected here.
El desarrollo deseado por Europa no ha sido siempre el que han deseado las personas de allí.
Europe's idea of development was not always the one the local people wanted.
Sólo entonces se podrá lograr el deseado efecto multiplicador.
Only then will it be possible for the desired multiplier effect to be achieved.
Este informe no llega tan lejos como yo hubiera deseado.
This report does not go as far as I would like.
Por esto, habría deseado poder votar nominalmente contra esta cláusula.
I would therefore have wished to vote against this provision in a recorded vote as well.
La recepción de correo no deseado no se limitará a Internet.
Unwanted post will not be limited to the Internet.
Habría deseado que el Consejo diese explicaciones sobre este punto.
I should have liked the Council to have provided some explanations regarding this point.
Hemos avanzado en mercado interior, pero no tanto como hubiéramos deseado.
Progress has also been made within the internal market, though not on the scale anticipated.
El resultado no es exactamente lo que hubiésemos deseado.
The outcome is not exactly what we would have wanted.
Me parece un método eficaz para lograr el propósito deseado.
This strikes me as an effective means of achieving the desired aim.
Todos habríamos deseado mejoras en tal o cual aspecto.
We should all have liked to have seen improvements regarding this or that point.
¿Cuál es el impacto deseado sobre el empleo?
What is the desired impact on employment?
Hubiéramos deseado ver una perspectiva de género más clara.
We wanted to see a clearer gender perspective.
Incluso habría deseado que el informe fuese algo más allá.
I had even wished that we would go further in this report.
En ese momento, hubiese deseado desaparecer, pero lo abracé.
I would have wanted to die, and instead I just embraced him.
Los compromisos voluntarios nunca han logrado el objetivo deseado.
Voluntary commitments have never achieved the desired objective.
Sólo entonces la ayuda producirá verdaderamente el efecto deseado.
Only then can the aid actually have the desired effect.
Por lo tanto, en teoría, habría deseado apoyar este planteamiento.
In theory, therefore, I would have wanted to support this approach.
Yo hubiese deseado otro análisis de la situación.
Here I would have preferred to see a different approach.
Me incluyo entre los que habrían deseado ir más lejos.
I am one of those who would have liked to go a step further.
Siempre hemos deseado, siempre hemos querido, una Comisión fuerte.
We have always wanted and always wished for a strong Commission.
Yo habría deseado, no obstante, que un Gobierno alemán anterior hubiese...
But I would have liked to see an earlier German Government ...
Yo habría deseado que éste hubiese planteado esta iniciativa.
I would have liked to see it put forward this initiative.
Y también por debajo de lo que yo hubiera deseado y de lo que este Parlamento debería haber deseado.
It is also less than I would have wished and it should be less than this Parliament would have wished.
Si no fuese secreto y supiéramos todo sobre él no serviría para el propósito deseado y necesario.
If it was not secret and we all knew about it, it would not serve the purpose for which it would be intended and necessary.
En numerosos casos no se adoptaron medidas o éstas no surtieron el efecto deseado.
In countless cases, no action was taken or if it was, it did not lead to any result.
Resulta decepcionante comprobar que dicha ayuda no siempre ha surtido el efecto deseado.
It is disappointing to have to state that this aid has not always had the required effect.
Yo habría deseado, sobre todo que ustedes no tuvieran que tomarse una sopa que, eventualmente, otros condimentaron.
I wish above all that you had not had to take the blame for a policy possibly cooked up for you by others.
Sin embargo, este incremento no surtirá por sí solo el efecto deseado.
This increase alone, however, will not bring spectacular success.
Hubiera sido lamentable que no hubiéramos sido capaces de obtener este acuerdo, deseado y esperado por todos.
It would have been very sad if we had been unable to reach this agreement, which was so longed-for by everyone.
Algunos diputados hubieran deseado que no entrara demasiado en el meollo de la cuestión.
Some Members would have preferred not to examine the subject in too much depth.
Al igual que el colega Jarzembowski y algunos otros, yo también habría deseado más.
I, too, Mr Jarzembowski and a few others, would have liked to have seen something more.
Ello invierte nuestro sistema jurídico y, en consecuencia, no puede surtir el efecto deseado.
That is a reversal of our legal system and will certainly not lead to the desired goal.
Él hubiera deseado que la Comisión hubiese sido algo más contundente.
He would have liked the Commission to be somewhat more robust.
En cambio, hubo acuerdo para crear un mercado financiero común, que era deseado.
On the other hand, they did succeed in agreeing to create a common financial market, which has been eagerly awaited.
Incluso yo, que soy partidario de las liberalizaciones, hubiese deseado más avances en esta materia.
I myself, who am also in favour of deregulation, would have liked to have seen us progress further in that direction.
Habría deseado que ya en este momento se hubiese presentado un único programa marco.
I would have liked a single framework programme to have been submitted now.
Muchos de nosotros habríamos deseado derechos más amplios y menos excepciones.
Many of us would have liked wider rights and fewer exceptions.
Como ya he dicho, habría deseado de la Comisión de Agricultura una actitud mucho menos proteccionista.
As I said before, I would have liked the Committee on Agriculture to take a much less protectionist stance.
Como Vicepresidenta de la Comisión de Asuntos Institucionales habría deseado un lenguaje más claro.
As Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, I should have liked the language to have been clearer.
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