Spanish Sentences using dado
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I thought that Mary had given him the things that he needed.
He/she had stolen my change purse without me having realized it.
During the interview he has given signs of his enthusiasm.
Mary, I hope that you have given the money to John.
Did you give me your address? No, I haven't given it to you.
It would have been unlikely that other kings in Europe would have given him ships and money.
Mary said that she would have given them the money yesterday if she had been able to.
It was easy, he did everything, and since he was older than me there was no problem.
Of course I would have given him my phone number and email address if he had asked for them.
We would have bought the tickets if John had given us the money.
I didn't know that they had given you the money to buy the tickets.
I hope that they have given you the money to buy the tickets.
Yo no sé si María le ha dado a Juan las cosas que él necesita.
I don't know if Mary has given John the things that he needs.
Los médicos no nos han dado muchas esperanzas.
The doctors haven't given us much hope.
Inés habrá dado un paseo antes de que vengan sus amigos.
Inez will have taken a walk before her friends come.
No me ha dado tiempo a recoger la mesa.
I didn't have time to clear the table.
Carmela se porta como si no se hubiera dado cuenta de la situación.
Carmela acts as though she hadn't realized what the situation is.
El abogado le ha dado el cheque.
The lawyer has given the check to her.
El abogado se lo ha dado.
The lawyer has given it to her.
María me ha dado el cheque.
Mary has given me the check.
María me lo ha dado.
Mary has given it to me.
María le ha dado el cheque.
Mary has given him the check.
Se han dado dos casos de intoxicación.
There have been two cases of food poisoning.
Él necesitaba más dinero del que yo le había dado.
He needed more money than I had given him.
¿Le has dado el dinero a María?.
Have you given the money to Mary?
Yo no sé si Juan le ha dado el dinero a María.
I don't know if John has given the money to Mary.
¿Sabes si Juan se lo ha dado?
Do you know if John has given it to her?
Han dado mucha publicidad al caso.
The case has been given a lot of publicity.
Yo no les he dado el dinero todavía.
I haven't given them the money yet.
Los niños han dado las gracias por los regalos recibidos.
The children have given thanks for the gifts received.
El hombre del tiempo ha dado la predicción para la semana.
The weatherman has given his prediction for the week.
¿No te habías dado cuenta que ya era muy tarde?
Hadn't you realized it was very late?
No sabía que ya hubiera dado a luz.
I didn't know she had given birth.
Yo no le he dado el dinero todavía.
I haven't given her the money yet.
María, ¿ le has dado el dinero a Juan?
Mary, have you given the money to John?
¿ Se lo has dado?
Have you given it to him?
No les hemos dado el dinero todavía.
We have not given the money to them yet.
Le dije a Juan que les habíamos dado el dinero a los muchachos.
I told John that we had given the money to the boys.
Lo que yo le he dado a él por esa joya es más de lo que ella vale.
What I have pay him for that piece of jewerly is more than what the piece is worth.
Juan quería saber si se lo habíamos dado a ellos.
John wanted to know if we had given it to them.
Les hemos dado el dinero.
We have given the money to them.
María, quiero saber si los muchachos te han dado el dinero.
Mary, I want to know if the boys have given you the money.
María, ¿Te lo han dado?
Mary, have they given it to you?
No sé si los muchachos le han dado el dinero a María.
I don't know if the boys have given the money to Mary.
¿ Te han dado el dinero?
Have they given you the money?
Me dijiste que no te habían dado el dinero todavía.
You told me that they hadn't given you the money yet.
Yo creía que ella te lo había dado.
I thought that she had given it to you.
Yo no creo que María les haya dado el dinero todavía.
I don't think that Mary has given them the money yet.
Yo no creo que María se lo haya dado todavía.
I don't think that Mary has given it to them yet.
¿Le has dado el dinero a María?
Have you given the money to Mary?.
Juan le ha dado el dinero a María.
John has given the money to Mary.
Nosotros le hemos dado el dinero a María.
We have given the money to Mary.
Yo creía que ella se los había dado.
I thought that she had given them to him.
Los muchachos le han dado el dinero.
The boys have given her the money.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
You scared me to death.
Yo creo que los muchachos se lo han dado.
I think that the boys have given it to her.
Yo creía que ellos le habían dado el dinero.
I thought that they had given her the money.
María se lo ha dado.
Mary has given it to him.
Tira el dado.
Roll the dice.
Yo le he dado a Juan las cosas que él necesita.
I have given John the things that he needs.
¿El catarro te ha dado fiebre?
Did the cold give you a fever?
Yo le dije a María que yo le había dado a Juan las cosas que él necesitaba.
I told Mary that I had given John the things that he needed.
¿Le has dado a Juan las cosas que él necesita?
Have you given John the things that he needs?
Yo creía que tú le habías dado a Juan las cosas que él necesitaba.
I thought that you had given John the things that he needed.
Le he dado mi respuesta.
I have given you my answer.
¿Ha dado algún resultado?
Has it produced any results?
Hemos dado nuestra palabra.
We have given our word.
Todavía no ha dado resultados.
It has not yet yielded any results.
Ha dado buenos resultados.
This has produced good results.
Le hemos dado demasiado.
We have already given them much too much.
Posiblemente no se hayan dado algunos que deberían haberse dado.
Perhaps the steps were not taken which should have been taken.
"Pero ¿cómo te has dado cuenta?"
'How have you come to understand that?'
Hemos dado un paso adelante.
We have made a step forward.
Se han dado pasos importantísimos.
Tremendous steps have been taken.
No nos ha dado ninguna explicación.
You have not given us any explanation for this today.
Hemos dado un paso adelante.
We have taken a step forward.
No les hemos dado seguridad jurídica.
We have not given them legal certainty.
Sus protestas han dado fruto.
Your protests have borne fruit.
¿Hemos dado las respuestas adecuadas?
Have we given the right answers?
Ese paso no se ha dado.
That step has not been taken.
Nos han dado instrucciones confusas.
We were misled as to the instructions.
Sí nos hemos dado cuenta.
We did realise its significance.
Usted me ha dado la respuesta.
You gave me the answer.
No obstante, hemos dado marcha atrás.
Nevertheless, we have climbed down.
No le hemos dado suficientes oportunidades.
We have not given it enough of a chance.
Ha dado un ejemplo magnífico.
She sets a very good example.
Pero ¿lo han dado realmente?
Have they actually done so?
Les pido disculpas; no me he dado cuenta.
I am sorry, I was not paying attention.
He dado esa interpretación a Su Señoría.
I gave you that interpretation.
Nos han dado muchas explicaciones.
They have explained a lot of things to us.
Se han dado algunos pasos.
A few steps have been taken.
Me han dado mi tarjeta antigua.
I was given back my old card.
Turquía no ha dado tales muestras.
Turkey has shown no signs of this.
Desgraciadamente no se me ha dado una respuesta.
Unfortunately, I did not receive any answer to this question.
Esas conversaciones han dado algunos resultados concretos.
These discussions have produced concrete results.
Es la información que me han dado.
That is the advice I have been given.
El euro ha dado mayor estabilidad.
The euro has provided greater stability.
He dado, simplemente, una indicación a título personal.
I have only given you a rough indication, and a personal opinion at that.
Este régimen ha dado buenos resultados.
This regime has worked well.
La Comisión Mitchell ha dado unas indicaciones.
The Mitchell Commission has made recommendations.
Debo decir que ha dado resultados importantes.
I have to say that this work has produced some important results.
No se ha dado solución a esta cuestión.
That problem has not been solved here.
¿Han dado frutos estos nuevos métodos?
Do these new methods have an effect?
Ya les he dado indicaciones sobre este tema.
I have given you some information on this issue.
A este respecto, Bélgica ha dado buen ejemplo.
Belgium set a good example in this connection.
Nosotros hemos dado el primer paso.
We have conceded something in advance.
Me gustaría haber dado una respuesta clara.
I should like to have given a clear answer.
No me ha dado una respuesta al respecto.
He failed to give me an answer to this.
Pero se ha dado una impresión.
But an impression has been created.
Todas ellas han dado lugar a controversia.
All of them gave rise to controversy.
Ya ha dado una serie de pasos.
It has already made a number of moves.
Estos esfuerzos han dado sus frutos.
These efforts have been paying off.
Les han dado un falso prospecto.
They have been given a false prospectus.
Esta política ha dado buenos resultados.
This policy has had good results.
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