Spanish Sentences using contra
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The You must pay the ticket because you violated a noise ordinance.
Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law.
They were arrested for throwing rocks at cars.
We suspect you of sabotage against the company.
Our team competed against your school's team yesterday.
He would have crashed into the wall, but he stopped on time.
Everything you say may be used against you in court.
We would need more resources to fight against the fires.
¿Estás en contra de el maltrato animal?
Are you against the mistreatment of animals?
La semana pasada la oposición votó en contra de la nueva ley.
Last week the opposition voted against the new law.
Están organizando una campaña contra el hambre.
They are organizing a campaign against hunger.
Se procederá contra los intrusos.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Me golpeé la rodilla contra la mesa.
I hit my knee on the table.
Sus casas y bienes están asegurados contra incendios.
Their houses and goods are insured from fire.
Ella pone una demanda en contra de la empresa.
She puts a lawsuit against the company.
No apoyes la bicicleta contra la pared.
Don't lean your bicycle against the wall.
El edificio cuenta con medidas de seguridad contra terremotos.
The building relies on security precautions against earthquakes.
Nadar contra corriente
to swim against the current
Usted debe asistir a terapia contra la drogadicción y el alcoholismo.
You must attend drug and alcohol counseling.
No sabía que el Quijote intentaba luchar contra molinos.
I didn't know that Quijote tried to fight against windmills.
¿Cómo chocaron contra un árbol?
How did they crash against the tree?
Esto es contra la ley.
That is against the law.
Quisieran promover una campaña en contra de el abuso.
They wanted to promote a campaign against abuse.
No está en contra de tus ideas.
He's not opposed to your ideas.
Están luchando contra el fraude, lo cual no es fácil.
They are trying to combat fraud, which isn't easy.
Ellos dicen que necesitan un jarabe contra la tos.
They say that they need a syrup against the cough
Ayer choqué contra un poste.
Yesterday I crashed into a pole.
¿Quiere tener protección contra rasguños?
Would you like scratch protection?
¿Por qué siempre os compincháis contra mí?
Why do you all always conspire against me?
Contra toda previsión
contrary to expectation
Ella y él dan medicina a Flor contra la hepatitis.
She and he give Flor a medicine for hepatitis
Contra más rápida sea la conexión, mejor.
The faster the connection, the better.
Lo que digan será utilizado en su contra.
What you say will be used against you.
¿Contra quién y contra qué?
Against whom and against what?
Sanción contra sanción, represalia contra represalia.
Sanction for sanction, retaliation for retaliation.
Votará, pues, en contra.
It will be voting against it.
¿Contra Irak, contra los serbios, contra las naciones, contra los nacionalismos?
In opposition to the Serbs? Stronger in opposition to nations and nationalism?
Nosotros votamos en contra.
We are voting against it.
No votaremos en contra.
We shall not vote against.
Debemos reaccionar contra esto.
These are the people we must respond to.
Hemos votado en contra.
We have voted against it.
No tengo nada en contra.
I have nothing against that.
He luchado contra esto.
That is something I have fought against.
Quería votar en contra.
I wanted to vote against!
Hemos votado en contra.
We have voted against this measure.
Yo estaba en contra.
I was opposed to it.
No hubo votos en contra.
There were no votes against the opinion.
No tomen medidas contra nosotros.
Do not take measures against us.
Quiero protestar contra esto.
I should like to protest against this.
No hay discriminación contra nadie.
There is no discrimination against anyone.
Votaremos en contra.
We will be voting against them.
Queremos cambiarlo a "en contra".
We want to change it to 'against'.
Protesto contra tales prácticas.
I protest against such practices.
No luchamos contra el terrorismo.
We are not fighting terrorism.
Votaremos en contra.
We shall be voting against.
Queremos protestar contra esto.
We wish to protest against this.
Quería votar en contra.
I was voting against it.
He votado en contra.
I am voting against this text.
No tenemos nada contra Ucrania.
We have nothing against Ukraine.
¿Contra qué están protestando?
What are you protesting against?
¿Y en contra?
Who wishes to speak against?
He votado en contra.
I voted against this text.
Voy a votar en contra.
I shall vote against it.
Voy a votar en contra.
I shall vote against it.
No defiendo a cristianos contra musulmanes.
I do not defend Christians against Muslims.
¿Cómo decimos "en contra"?
How do we say 'against'?
No estamos contra la liberalización.
We are not against liberalization.
¿Qué hace en contra?
What is it doing to stop this?
Obviamente, estamos en contra.
We are naturally opposed to that.
Quería votar en contra.
I wanted to vote against.
Protesto vehementemente contra esto.
I wish to protest very strongly against this.
Hemos votado en contra.
We have voted against this SAP.
Presidente, estamos en contra.
Mr President, I am opposed to this.
Entonces estamos en contra.
I have to be against, then.
He votado en contra, radicalmente en contra, de la enmienda 54.
I voted in the strongest possible terms against Amendment No 54.
Luchar contra el analfabetismo exige también luchar contra la miseria.
If we are to combat illiteracy, we must also combat poverty.
Luchan contra la contracepción y contra el aborto.
They are fighting against contraception and abortion.
Nuestro voto contra esta Comisión no está dirigido contra él personalmente.
Our vote against this Commission is not directed at him personally.
Luchar contra el terrorismo no puede significar luchar contra la democracia.
Fighting against terrorism cannot mean fighting against democracy.
Es un ataque directo contra nuestros ciudadanos, contra todos nosotros.
It is a direct attack on our citizens, on all of us.
"Estamos en contra, estamos en contra, pero votaremos a favor".
'We are against, we are against, but we will vote in favour.'
No protestamos contra la justicia, sino contra los abusos políticamente impuestos.
We are not protesting against justice, but against politically imposed abuses.
Podemos proceder contra nuestras empresas, pero no contra las otras.
We can bring proceedings against our own companies, but not against others.
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