Spanish Sentences using continuamente
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The child constantly cried, which annoyed the mother.
Esta pregunta me ocupa continuamente.
I find this question more and more worrying.
No podemos celebrarlas continuamente.
There has to be a break.
Se plantea continuamente.
It has been raised over and over again.
Continuamente nos dan distintas explicaciones.
We are constantly given different explanations.
Intentamos mejorar el procedimiento continuamente.
We are continually trying to improve the procedure.
En su lugar aumentó continuamente.
Instead it has risen constantly.
Nos quejamos continuamente de ello.
We complain about it over and over again.
¿Representaremos continuamente la misma pantomima?
Are we to continue playing this game?
Esto se viene olvidando continuamente.
That is forgotten again and again.
Conocemos los casos que afloran continuamente.
We are aware of the cases which crop up time and again.
Se debe desarrollar y mejorar continuamente.
This should be continually developed and improved.
La Comisión nos proporciona continuamente nuevas cifras.
The Commission feeds us a never-ending stream of fresh statistics.
Es un principio que se ignora continuamente.
All too often the principle is ignored.
Nos vemos continuamente inundados de reclamaciones.
We are continuously inundated with complaints.
Porque estamos gravando continuamente el factor trabajo.
Because we constantly penalize the labour factor.
Continuamente se producen retrocesos en este contexto.
There have been repeated set-backs.
La cantidad de normas comunitarias aumenta continuamente.
The amount of EU rules is constantly growing.
No se trata de que se nos presione continuamente.
It will not do to keep us under constant pressure.
Así figura en los Tratados y nos lo recordamos continuamente.
That is what it says in the Treaties and that is what we keep reminding each other of.
La planta de reprocesamiento THORP genera continuamente más residuos.
The THORP reprocessing plant produces continually more waste.
¿Qué joven quiere justificar continuamente su profesión de agricultor?
How many young people want to have to keep making excuses because they are farmers?
La inercia del sistema sólo genera continuamente nuevas dificultades.
By its very nature, the system simply creates more and more problems.
Las repercusiones económicas positivas las experimentamos ya y aumentarán continuamente.
Most of the positive economic effects are already with us. They will continue to grow.
Su capacidad para sobrevivir se ve continuamente socavada.
Their ability to survive is constantly undermined.
No hace falta actualizar continuamente el concepto de sostenibilidad.
The concept of sustainability does not have to be continually updated.
Nuestro Parlamento exige continuamente que se interrumpa el diálogo.
Parliament is continually asking for all dialogue to be brought to an end.
Sabemos que en Israel se asesina a políticos continuamente.
We know that Israel has politicians murdered the whole time.
No creo que debamos estar inventando continuamente nuevas agencias.
I do not think we should start constantly inventing new agencies.
Por eso necesitamos recordarnos continuamente cuáles son nuestras metas.
That is why we need to constantly remind ourselves of what our goals are.
Continuamente discutimos sobre grandes planes y hojas de ruta.
We are constantly discussing great plans and road maps.
Ya hace mucho tiempo que hablo continuamente de esta necesidad.
I have been continually stressing the need for that for a long time now.
Las reglas de juego parecen estar cambiando continuamente.
The goalposts seem to be moving further away.
El Parlamento no debería intentar aumentar continuamente el presupuesto.
Parliament should not constantly try to increase the budget.
Los reglamentos pueden incumplirse continuamente sin ningún tipo de consecuencias.
Regulations may be breached continuously, without any consequences.
No podemos quedarnos quietos, sino que es necesario avanzar continuamente.
We cannot remain static; instead, we need continual advances.
¿Por qué se amplían continuamente los distintos plazos?
Why are various deadlines continually extended?
¿Pero necesitamos aumentar continuamente los tipos de interés?
But do we need continued increase in interest rates?
Surgen dudas continuamente con respecto a ciertos Estados miembros.
Doubts repeatedly arise in the case of certain Member States.
Lo hacemos continuamente y por ello estamos tan pálidos.
We do that all the time, and that is why we look so tired and pale!
La creciente movilidad aumenta continuamente los problemas del transporte.
Increasing mobility constantly adds to the problems of transport.
Continuamente comprobamos que las medidas que se adoptan no tienen efectos.
Time after time, too, we hear that the action taken has produced no effect.
Pero no es conveniente que se incrementen continuamente las excepciones.
However, the number of exceptions should not increase.
Finalmente, es preciso redefinir continuamente de manera adecuada esta ayuda.
Finally, we must continue to organize this development aid in a rational way.
Señor Presidente, hay cosas que se repiten continuamente.
Mr President, some things are repeated again and again.
Nos envía continuamente documentos sobre la sociedad de la información.
It sends us a constant stream of documents about the information society.
Debe usarse personal fijo, especializado y formado continuamente.
The personnel used must be permanent, specialized, and continually trained.
Aquí trabajamos dentro de un marco institucional que cambia continuamente.
We are working within an institutional framework which is in a state of change.
No debe culpar a los extranjeros que ahora están siendo deportados continuamente.
It must not blame the problem on foreigners, who are continually being deported at the present time.
Sólo que la contaminación ha ido continuamente en aumento.
Except that the contamination has kept on increasing.
Se repite continuamente que tenemos que controlar la globalización.
It is also repeatedly said that we must come to grips with globalisation.
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