Spanish Sentences using contado
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The The flight attendant had counted the passengers three times!
Voy a pagar al contado.
I'm going to pay cash.
El tiempo estará contado.
Time is not on our side.
Ha contado con todo nuestro apoyo.
He had our full support.
He contado esta historia por dos razones.
I have told this story for two reasons.
Que no nos ha contado usted nada.
That you have told us nothing.
Le agradezco lo que nos ha contado.
I am grateful to you for what you have told us.
Nunca antes habíamos contado con este marco.
We have never had that before.
Mis colegas y yo los hemos contado.
My colleagues and I counted them.
Nos ha contado muchas cosas, todo correcto.
You have now had quite a lot to tell us, all of it correct.
Está claro también que el tiempo está contado.
Equally clearly, time is running out.
¿No podríamos haber contado con un informe claro y sencillo?
Could we not perhaps have had one clear, simple report?
Señora Tomaszewska, lamento mucho que no se haya contado su voto.
Mrs Tomaszewska, I am terribly sorry that your vote was not counted.
Hemos contado con el lema "Europa de dos velocidades".
We have had the 'two-speed Europe' slogan.
Este país siempre ha contado con un grandísimo apoyo público.
There was always huge public support for this country.
Podría habernos contado que probablemente tenga que moderar algunos debates.
You could have told us that you would have to curtail some of the debates.
Hasta ahora no hemos contado con un organismo de control europeo.
As yet we do not have a European nuclear watchdog.
También aquí se ha contado con fondos europeos.
European funds were used there too.
Sin hubiéramos contado con semejantes disposiciones, repito, la catástrofe sin duda no se habría producido.
If, I repeat, we had had regulations of this type, then this disaster would surely not have occurred.
Yo querría saber exactamente cuánta gente ha contado usted hoy en el Hemiciclo.
I would like to know exactly how many people you counted in the chamber today?
Nadie los ha contado hasta ahora y, por lo tanto, no puedo decirle cuántos son.
No-one has ever counted them and I cannot therefore tell you how many there are.
Señor Presidente, el informe sobre la aprobación de la gestión 1997 ha contado con un seguimiento.
Mr President, there have been further developments regarding the report on the 1997 discharge.
Constato que este deseo no ha contado con la atención necesaria durante la conciliación.
I note that this aspiration was not given due attention during the conciliation procedure.
Una vez más, no hemos contado las cosas tal y como son.
Again, we have not been telling the story as it is.
Hemos contado con la opinión de expertos, expertas, gobiernos afectados y organizaciones no gubernamentales.
We have considered the opinions of experts of both sexes, the governments involved and non-governmental organisations.
Se han contado ya más de cien muertos palestinos y treinta y cinco israelíes.
The dead number over one hundred Palestinians and thirty-five Israelis.
El Consejo ha contado con nuestro pleno apoyo a las medidas adoptadas después del 11 de septiembre.
The Council's post-11 September measures have our full support.
También hemos de agradecer haber contado con un buen suministro de candidatos profesionales.
We must also be grateful that we had a good supply of professional candidates.
Cuando fui nombrado ponente conocí a la señora X, quien me ha contado su historia.
Since being appointed rapporteur I have come to know Madam X and she has told me her story.
Esta información hay que verificarla, pero es lo que me han contado esta mañana.
This information needs to be checked, but it is what I was told this morning.
Hemos contado con el acuerdo y la petición expresa del Parlamento Europeo para seguir adelante.
We had the agreement and the express request of Parliament to go ahead.
Yo no he ido, pero mis colegas de esta Cámara me han contado cosas verdaderamente espantosas.
I did not go myself, but I have had very shocking reports of it from fellow Members of this House.
He contado 26 oradores, lo que daría más o menos 23 segundos para cada uno.
I have had 26 speakers, which would work out at around 23 seconds per speaker.
En realidad, Turquía ya ha contado con todos los acuerdos posibles antes de su adhesión real.
In actual fact, Turkey has already obtained every possible agreement prior to actual membership.
También deben de haber contado con la connivencia del Gobierno del Reino Unido.
It must have been done also with the collusion of the UK Government.
El Parlamento Europeo se enorgullece de haberlo contado como uno de sus miembros.
The House is proud to have had him as a Member.
He contado los votos en contra, y 328 votos no constituyen una mayoría cualificada.
I have counted the votes against, and 328 votes do not add up to a qualified majority.
Los cursos habían contado con el apoyo del grupo Leader local.
These courses were promoted by the local Leader group.
Por último, el señor Schlyter ha contado cómo solía jugar él con mercurio cuando era niño.
Finally, Mr Schlyter talked about how he used to play with mercury when he was a child.
Esto es lo que nos ha contado de forma diplomática, algo que respeto totalmente.
That is what he told us in his diplomatic way, for which I have the utmost respect.
En la realidad también hemos contado recientemente con algunos desarrollos en la legislación sobre la competencia.
On the ground we have also had some developments in competition law recently.
Esto es algo que ha contado con una acogida muy favorable por parte de la Comisión.
The Commission finds that most welcome.
La industria automovilística ha contado con más de una década para cambiarse a la tecnología ecológica.
The car industry has had more than a decade in which to switch to greener technology.
Durante la campaña para las elecciones se han contado muchas mentiras sobre la UE.
During the election campaign there will be many lies told about the European Union.
Además, también deberían haber contado con financiación los diferentes proyectos relacionados con la energía solar.
The various solar energy projects, in particular, would have deserved to receive financing.
Como nos han contado los funcionarios regionales, algunos de ellos han llegado incluso a quitarse la vida.
Some of them, too, as we are told by regional officials, are today going so far as to take their own lives.
Los tres han contado con el firme apoyo de la Comisión de Transportes y Turismo.
All three have been strongly supported by the Committee on Transport and Tourism.
Este informe ha contado con un gran consenso de los grupos políticos.
There was broad agreement between all political groups on this report.
Durante décadas hemos contado con un peaje ferroviario obligatorio en la Unión Europea.
We have had a mandatory rail toll within the European Union for decades.
Pero nada de lo que nos ha contado venía al caso.
It is just that none of it is what is at issue.
El Parlamento Europeo no ha contado, hasta ahora, con un organismo de evaluación de impacto.
The European Parliament has so far lacked an impact assessment body.
Ambas conclusiones han contado con el apoyo del Sr. Hoppenstedt y se lo agradecemos.
These last two conclusions are supported by Mr Hoppenstedt and we are grateful to him for that.
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