Spanish Sentences using casi
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The He would be talking about the need to vaccinate nearly 600 workers.
I would say half and half. I feel it as much during the day as at night.
I like almost all sports. I especially love soccer.
What a homework! It's almost impossible that you did all that they gave you.
Well, at home, greasy foods are usually cooked.
It's possible, because the pain normally comes after eating.
At my house, we almost always have supper after the visitors leave.
Will you do anything I ask? Well, I will do almost anything you ask.
Nevertheless, we sign things, almost the same each time.
Casi no la reconocí con ese peinado.
I almost didn't recognize her with that hairstyle.
Nos habíamos confundido y casi nos perdíamos.
We got confused, and we almost got lost.
El día ya casi termina.
The day is almost over.
Mi comida favorita es el arroz que tiene muchos usos culinarios y se consume en casi todo el mundo.
My favorite food is rice since it has many culinary uses and it's eaten almost everywhere.
Ya casi es hora de recoger a mis niños de la escuela.
It is almost time to pick up my children from school.
Casi se muere en un accidente de tránsito.
She almost died in a car accident.
Casi se mueren en un accidente de tránsito.
They almost died in a car accident.
Entendimos casi todas las palabras de la lectura.
We understood almost all the words in the reading.
Le mandamos las flores a Gabriela a su casa porque ella casi nunca sale.
We sent the flowers to Gabriela's house because she hardly ever goes out.
Ya casi todo está listo. Sólo falta que el electricista componga el motor de la bomba.
As soon as the electrician fixes the motor of the pump, everything will be ready.
La línea divisoria es casi imperceptible.
The dividing line is almost imperceptible.
Casi el 30% de las mujeres embarazadas sufre dolores en la zona lumbar.
Almost 30% of pregnant women experience lower back pain.
Ya casi es Navidad.
It is almost Christmas.
Aqui casi no llueve.
It hardly rains here.
Esa película duró casi tres horas.
That movie was almost three hours long.
Mientras ellas estaban de vacaciones, sus abuelos les llamaban casi a diario.
While they were on vacation their grandparents called them almost daily.
Vaya cosa, yo casi hago escalera de oro.
My goodness! I almost made a straight of diamonds.
La semana ya casi termino.
The week is almost over.
Así funciona casi siempre.
That is usually the case.
Es casi lamentable.
It is next to lamentable.
Ahora casi hemos llegado.
Now we are almost there.
Casi podría creérmelo.
I could almost believe it.
Casi todos han muerto.
They are almost all dead.
Casi lo consigue.
It almost lives up to that aim.
Sería casi una herejía.
That would be tantamount to heresy.
Casi todas se rechazaron.
Almost all of them were rejected.
Casi he acabado, señor Presidente.
I have nearly finished, Mr President.
¡Casi parece hecho aposta!
It could almost have been done on purpose!
Casi no me importa Sansón.
And Samson is scarcely of any concern to me.
Soy casi esclavo del Reglamento.
My hands are tied in this matter.
Diría casi que a cualquier precio.
I would even venture to say that it should be resolved at any cost.
Incluso nos parece casi caricaturesca.
Indeed, we take the view that it is something of a caricature.
Aquí no hay aún casi nada.
There is virtually nothing available at present.
Señor Presidente, ya casi he acabado.
Mr President, I have almost finished.
Puedo aceptarlo casi sin reservas.
I can agree with it almost without reservation.
Casi he terminado sobre este punto.
I have almost finished on this point.
Pero esto es casi anecdótico.
But this is almost a detail.
Porque a veces parece casi olvidada.
Because it appears at times to be almost forgotten.
Se redujo casi a la mitad.
It was cut almost by half.
La destrucción es casi completa.
The destruction is nearly complete.
Esto es casi trabajo no declarado.
That is almost like undeclared work.
Ya casi tiene su Tratado.
So you have almost got your Treaty.
Casi siempre sucede lo contrario.
Usually we are trying to spur the Commission on.
Lamentablemente, han sido casi nulos.
Unfortunately, almost no progress has been made at all.
Le apoyo, casi, sin reservas.
I approve your work (almost) without reservation.
Declaraciones, pero casi nada concreto.
We have made declarations, but we have done almost nothing tangible.
Yo creo que casi todo.
I believe there is every reason.
Casi son las 23.20 horas.
After all, it is already 11.20 p.m.
El terreno estaba casi virgen.
The ground had barely been explored previously.
El informe Theato plantea casi siempre bien el problema, señala casi siempre bien las opciones, reclama casi siempre bien acciones.
The Theato Report is nearly always good at locating the problem, at putting forward options, and demanding action.
El Consejo asumió casi todas las enmiendas.
The Council accepted nearly all of the amendments.
Es más que nada.... ¡pero casi nada!
It is better than nothing, but not much!
No obstante, estamos ya casi al final.
However, we are almost at the end.
Se ocupa incluso de casi demasiadas cosas.
Indeed it is almost making itself busy with too many matters.
Señor Presidente, resulta casi imposible hablar aquí.
Mr President, it is almost impossible to discuss this issue in this arena.
Llevamos negociando casi diez años a escala mundial.
Worldwide negotiations have taken place for nearly ten years.
La indemnización a las víctimas es casi nula.
Compensation of victims is almost non-existent.
Casi iba a decir: hay muchos irlandeses.
I almost said there are a lot of Irish among us.
Se ha excedido casi en su brevedad.
You have been almost excessive in your brevity.
Es considerable, incluso casi inadmisible, evidentemente.
This is a considerable number, and it is obviously unacceptable.
Me voy a referir casi exclusivamente al Cercano Oriente.
I want to focus my remarks on the Middle East.
Se han conseguido mucho, casi todo.
Much of it, indeed most of it, appears to be well done.
Casi nadie empieza a fumar porque le gusta.
Hardly anyone takes up smoking because they like it.
Ha llevado casi un año entero.
It has taken nearly a year.
Al revés: terminamos casi por los puertos.
On the contrary: we are practically ending with the ports.
Casi todos sus miembros votarán a favor.
Almost all members will vote in favour.
El Mediterráneo es un mar casi cerrado.
The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea.
En este frente no se mueve casi nada.
There is virtually nothing moving on that front.
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