Spanish Sentences using campo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Alicia asked me who was going to go on the picnic.
What a good day it is today for a trip to the countryside!
I would rather go to the countryside and stay quietly, without any long walk.
It's convenient to take warm clothes because in the countryside it can be quite cold
I would make a house in the country if I had land.
Me gusta pasear por el campo.
I like walking in the country.
Vosotros fuisteis a cosechar maíz al campo.
You all went to havest corn in the field.
Cuando ibamos de día de campo, nos divertíamos mucho.
When we went on a picnic we always had a good time.
Vivir en el campo
to live in the country
Vamos al campo el mes que viene.
We're oging to the country next month.
La mercadotecnia es un campo de estudios muy popular en este momento.
Marketing is a very popular field of studies right now.
Vivir en el campo
to live in the country
No pertenecen a este campo.
They have no place here.
Me remito a otro campo.
Let me refer to another area.
Es un campo importante.
It is an important area.
Somos pioneros en este campo.
We are pioneers in this field.
Debemos progresar en este campo.
We need to make progress in this area.
Necesitamos investigar en este campo.
For this we need research.
No entienden que, en este campo, seamos vacilantes.
They cannot comprehend our reluctance in this area.
Se ha creado para el campo europeo.
This is why it has been framed with the European rural areas in mind.
En este campo hay mucho que aprender.
I believe there is a lot to be learned from this.
¿Se situará ésta en el campo europeo?
And if it is at the EU's end, is it an own goal?
En este campo hay clara discriminación.
There is clear discrimination in this area.
Estamos trabajando en un campo extremadamente difícil.
We are working in an extremely difficult field.
Claramente, la pelota está en campo turco.
Quite clearly, the ball is in the Turkish court.
Despejemos pronto el campo de posibles equívocos.
Let us quickly clear away any misunderstandings.
Debemos invertir más en este campo.
We need to invest more in this area.
La gente se está marchando del campo.
People are moving away from the countryside.
Podemos ser positivos en este campo.
We can be positive in this field.
Tendrá que ser un campo muy grande.
It will need to be a very big field.
Queremos jóvenes porque queremos un campo vivo.
We want young people because we want a living countryside.
El campo europeo se enfrenta a grandes cambios.
The European countryside faces big changes.
Gaza es un campo de prisioneros israelí.
Gaza is an Israeli prison camp!
La Unión no tiene competencias en este campo.
The Union does not have competence in this field.
Entonces pagarán por realizar I+D de campo).
It will then pay to carry out R&D in the field.)
En este campo, los operadores están confusos.
Operatives in this field are confused.
Tiene un gran potencial en este campo.
Its potential in this area is enormous.
Un campo agrícola no es una instalación industrial.
A farmer's field is no industrial plant.
Desde entonces, este campo ha evolucionado enormemente.
Since then, the area has progressed dramatically.
Podríamos progresar mucho en este campo.
We could make a lot of progress here.
Nos llevan al campo de concentración.
We are being transported to the concentration camp.
Existe potencial de mejora en este campo.
There is definite potential for improvement there.
Necesitamos una mayor claridad en este campo.
We need more transparency in this area.
Es un campo de actividad completamente nuevo.
It is an entirely new area of activity.
No existe una jurisprudencia unitaria en este campo.
There is no uniform case law on this subject.
En este campo es muy posible técnicamente.
Technically, a great deal is possible.
El Consejo no posee competencias en este campo.
The Council has no jurisdiction in this matter.
Hay mucho que hacer en este campo.
There is an awful lot to do in this area.
¿Qué hace el Consejo en este campo?
What is the Council doing here?
Primero: las enmiendas al campo de aplicación.
The first is the amendments concerning the field of application.
En un campo han muerto 160 refugiados.
In one camp 160 have died.
El único campo viable para el Líbano es el campo del propio Líbano.
The only viable camp for Lebanon is the camp of Lebanon itself.
Ha de haber una unificación en ese campo determinado.
So, unification in this small area.
Hay que enraizar en el campo cabezas jóvenes creativas.
Young, creative individuals must be made to feel an attachment to the countryside.
Señoras, señores, el campo de trabajo es importante y estupendo.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a considerable amount of work to be done, but it is exciting.
Muchos de nosotros esperábamos mejorías en este campo.
Many of us had hoped for improvements in this area.
Es otro campo en el que hemos de adoptar medidas.
This too needs to be regulated.
Además, excluía de su campo de competencias algunas categorías.
What is more, a number of categories were excluded from its field of competence.
La Comisión ha estado trabajando activamente en este campo.
The Commission has been working energetically in this area.
En este campo la oposición juega también su papel.
In this area, the opposition also has a role to play.
Esto despejará el campo para aprobar la gestión.
That will clarify the context in which discharge is granted.
Espero, sinceramente, que Suecia haga algo en este campo.
I sincerely hope that Sweden can make a contribution to this issue.
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