Spanish Sentences using cada
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Each day I love you more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.
Every time that you use the kitchen you must clean it.
We attempt to put every product through rigorous testing.
My family used to get together every year at my grandpa's house.
Do you stop your car at every stop sign? Yes, we stop at every stop sign.
¿Para Alberto a cada letrero de parar? No, él no para siempre, pero sí para la mayoría de las veces.

Does Alberto stop at every stop sign? No, he does not stop every time, but he stops most of the time.
You need to pay twenty dollars for every bounced check.
Each company has a different distribution system.
It is not true that the world population is growing more and more rapidly.
The doctor wants Juan to take two pills today, and afterwards, one pill each day.
You are only allowed one defect per 10,000 products.
Well, yes, we save money on each item but we spend more in the end.
If we shave with the faucet open, we will use too much water in each shaving.
Every morning, as soon as she gets up, she opens the window.
And now you will see that, as time goes by, your Spanish will get better.
We have begged Benito to write to us at least once a month.
Cada día de estancia, la habitación debe dejarse libre entre 10 y 12 de la mañana para poder efectuar la limpieza de la misma.

Every day of stay, the room must be vacant between 10 and 12 in the morning to be able to clean it.
If he won the first prize in the lottery, Dad would give each of us a car.
Bees produce a lot of honey every year in our country.
If you have pain, take a pill under your tongue every five minutes.
The air-shuttle Madrid-Barcelone has a flight every half an hour
She shows up with other five friends and each one wears a green wig.
This list is updated every hour, so that all of the registered companies appear in that list.
Every night, Juliet greeted Romeo from the tower of her father's castle.
I have to pay the rent on the first day of each month.
This lady comes every day to feed the pigeons.
She does all my shopping and calls every night to see how I am doing.
About 75 acres of pizza are eaten in in the U.S. every day.
The teacher gets angry every time we are late for class.
Do you rest every day? Yes, I rest when I have time during the day.
You have to pay $20 for every bounced check.
Did they rest after each dance? No, they did not rest at all.
Lino, Tina and I decided to give $100 each to buy them a beautiful gift.
I give a monthly quantity to that charity home.
Mario disappears every time the teacher scolds him.
She sends a postcard to her family every month.
Well, yes I try to sign the same way every time but each time I sign a little differently.
This plant must be watered approximately every two days.
I believe that everyone signs a little differently each time they sign something.
Nevertheless, we sign things, almost the same each time.
Los árboles echan hojas cada primavera.
The trees grow leaves every spring.
Trabajo cinco días por seis horas cada día, que es igual a treinta horas en total.
I work five days for six hours each day, which is equal to thirty hours total.
Cada día damos dos dólares a cada vaca.
We give two dollars a day to a cow.
Lo vemos cada día.
We see it every day.
Cada vez hay más.
There are more and more of them.
¡Cada cosa a su tiempo!
One thing at a time!
Cada día se eliminan minas y cada día se ponen.
Every day, mines are removed and every day new ones are laid.
Cada sistema y cada opción tienen su lado malo.
Every system and every choice has downsides.
En cada problema, en cada país, hay soluciones diferentes.
For every problem, in every country, there are different solutions.
Cada región, cada ciudad, tratará de salir a flote.
Every region and town will try to make the most of the situation.
Cada una tiene sus propios problemas: cada una es especial.
Each has its own different problems: each is particular.
Cada uno elige su vida.
Everyone is free to choose their lifestyle.
Sufren cada vez más retrasos.
They are increasingly faced with delays.
Lo comprobamos cada mes, desgraciadamente.
Unfortunately, it seems to be a monthly occurrence.
Probablemente nueve de cada diez.
Probably nine out of ten.
Cada institución tiene su sitio.
Each institution has its place.
Ahora es importante cada palabra.
Every word I used was important.
Cada país tiene listas diferentes.
Different countries have different lists.
Cada uno sirve a su causa.
Each of us shall serve his cause.
Abordaré cada instrumento por turno.
I will address each dossier in turn.
Posteriormente se actualizará cada año.
It will then be updated each year.
Cada día añadimos nueva rigidez.
Every day we add new rigidity.
Cada vez tenemos menos credibilidad.
Credibility is in short supply.
Entonces, a cada cual su jerarquía.
Well, everyone has his or her own idea of what is most important.
Cada país tiene normas diferentes.
Each country has different rules.
Cada año votamos una resolución.
Every year we have a resolution.
Lo vemos cada día, Comisario.
We see it every day, Commissioner.
Tengamos cada uno las nuestras.
Let us all have our own convictions.
Cada vez es más difícil.
This is more and more difficult.
Cada grupo social es diferente.
Each social group is different.
Esa tarea corresponde a cada país.
That is a task for the individual countries.
He concedido 20 minutos a cada Comisario.
I gave each Commissioner 20 minutes each.
Cada institución tiene derecho a reaccionar.
It is the prerogative of each institution to react.
Un gran paso cada vez.
One big step at a time.
Cada vez lo es menos.
It is becoming less and less so.
Cada uno tiene sus peritos.
These days, of course, everyone has their experts.
Cada año disminuyen sus ingresos.
Every year the income drops.
Cada región es muy específica.
Every region has its own characteristics.
Cada día, cada semana y cada mes cuenta para Bulgaria y Rumanía.
Every day, every week and every month counts for both Bulgaria and Romania.
Como usted ha dicho, señor Comisario, «cada día, cada semana, cada mes cuenta».
As you said, Commissioner, ‘every day, every week, every month counts’.
Cada institución y cada departamento de cada institución deben hacer todo lo posible por lograr economizar.
Every institution and every unit of every institution must make every effort to achieve savings.
Todo se complica cada vez más.
Everything has become more and more complex.
No es que vayamos a hacerlo cada semana.
Not that we do so every week.
Eso atañe a la opinión de cada cual.
Different individuals will have different perceptions of all this.
Esto ocurre cada día en Serbia.
This is now happening every day in Serbia.
O incluso "regionalizarlo" dentro de cada país.
Or even to regionalise it within countries.
Cada país tiene su pabellón preferido.
Each country tends to have their preferred flag use.
Cada región tiene sus propios problemas particulares.
Each area has its own particular problem.
Cada Comisario contesta durante 20 minutos.
Each Commissioner answers for 20 minutes.
Dicho desequilibrio es cada día más explosivo.
This imbalance becomes more explosive with every passing day.
La violencia cobra cada día nuevas víctimas.
Violence is claiming more victims every day.
Dejemos que cada Estado pesque sus peces.
We should let every State catch its own fish!
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