Spanish Sentences using atrás
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
The active ingredients are listed on the back of the package.
Be careful, there are heavy fuels in the back of the building.
In the warehouse in the back. Wear your protective gear.
You have to make these movements with the gear stick to go in reverse.
¡Muévase hacia atrás!
Move back!
Eso pasa / Eso queda atrás
it will pass
Los canguros no pueden caminar para atrás.
Kangaroos can't walk backwards
No te sientes adelante, no hay lugar. Sientate atrás.
Don't sit in the front, there isn't any room. Sit in the back.
Eso pasa/ Eso queda atrás
it will pass
Es un paso atrás.
It is a retrograde step.
Sería un paso atrás.
It would be a retrograde step.
No podemos seguir mirando atrás.
We cannot continue looking backwards.
Si no, nos quedaremos atrás.
If not, we will be left behind.
No podemos dar marcha atrás.
We must not move backwards.
Son un paso atrás.
They are a step backwards.
Dejemos el pasado atrás.
Let us bury the past.
Europa no puede quedarse atrás.
Europe cannot be left behind.
No hay marcha atrás.
There is indeed no turning back.
Europa no puede quedarse atrás.
Let us not fall behind this compromise in Europe.
¡No se echen atrás!
I earnestly beg you to do that.
Se remontan a 25 años atrás.
It goes back 25 years.
No hacerlo sería un paso atrás.
Not to do so would be a retrograde step.
Merece la pena mirar atrás.
It is good to take a look back.
Pero la cuenta atrás continúa.
But the clock is ticking.
Éste es un paso atrás.
This is a step backwards.
En cambio, están echándose atrás.
Instead they are moving backwards.
No obstante, hemos dado marcha atrás.
Nevertheless, we have climbed down.
Ese tiempo ha quedado atrás.
That time is now past.
Si no podemos dar marcha atrás, no hay margen.
No callback - no wide latitude.
No es en absoluto un paso atrás.
It is by no means a step backwards.
Hay quienes hablan incluso de marcha atrás.
Some would even say it was going backwards.
Europa no debería quedarse atrás en esta materia.
Europe should not lag behind in this respect.
Tenemos que dejar atrás la vigilancia mutua.
We need to move away from mutual observation.
Entonces se podía entrar duro desde atrás.
At that time, tackling from behind was still permitted.
Por esto, tenemos que dar marcha atrás.
That is why we must step back.
No tiene mucho sentido que miren hacia atrás.
There is little point in their looking back.
No hay marcha atrás en este tema.
There is no going back.
La Conferencia Intergubernamental ha dado marcha atrás.
The Intergovernmental Conference is in reverse gear.
Ahora estamos a punto de dar marcha atrás.
We are now on the verge of turning back the clock.
No podemos detenernos ahora; no podemos ya volver atrás.
We cannot stop now, we cannot turn back.
Dejemos atrás el pasado y pasemos página.
Let us put the past behind us and start with a clean sheet of paper.
Con el proteccionismo, Europa da marcha atrás.
Protectionism means putting Europe into reverse.
Nuestros conciudadanos no entenderían que nos volviéramos atrás.
Our fellow citizens would not understand if we were to backtrack.
Esperamos que la Cámara no se eche atrás.
We hope that the House will not lose its nerve.
En este Parlamento queremos avanzar, no ir atrás.
We want to make progress in this Parliament, not go backwards.
Es inútil por tanto mirar atrás.
It is therefore pointless to look back.
Cualquier enmienda habría representado un paso atrás.
Any amendment would have been a retrograde step.
Creo que sería un paso atrás.
I think this would be a retrograde step to take.
Así que no podemos seguir mirando atrás.
So we cannot keep on looking back.
Por suerte, la Comisión se echó atrás.
Luckily, the Commission retraced its footsteps.
Debemos mirar al futuro y no hacia atrás.
Let us look forwards rather than backwards.
Esta se ha quedado un poco atrás.
This one is somewhat behind.
No podemos permitir que los euroescépticos vuelvan atrás.
We cannot let the Eurosceptics turn the clock back.
No debemos quedarnos atrás en ese sentido.
We must not lag behind in this regard.
Ahora desearía dejar atrás esta preocupación.
I would like to leave this worry behind now.
Dejemos atrás el tema de este fichero.
Let us drop the subject of the Mens file.
Harían bien en dar marcha atrás.
They would do well to backtrack.
No hay vuelta atrás, y deben tomarse medidas.
There is no going back, measures must be taken.
En esta ocasión no deben darse pasos atrás.
After all, we cannot then take a retrograde step in this connection.
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