Spanish Sentences using almorzar
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The We ask Juan José if he wanted to have lunch with us.
I don't know if I will be able to eat lunch with you all tomorrow.
I think that we will be able to eat lunch with the boys tomorrow.
Ellas almorzarán en la playa.
They will have lunch at the beach.
Los estudiantes siempre han almorzado a las doce.
The students have always had lunch at twelve.
Ellos quieren que almorcemos con ellos.
They like for us to have lunch with them.
a almorzar
to have lunch
Ellos no podrán almorzar con nosotros mañana.
They will not be able to have lunch with us tomorrow.
Yo almorzaré con Maria mañana.
I will have lunch with Mary tomorrow.
¿Podrás almorzar con nosotros mañana?
Will you be able to eat lunch with us tomorrow?
María dice que ella podrá almorzar con nosotros mañana.
Mary says that she will be able to eat lunch with us tomorrow.
Los muchachos dicen que ellos podrán almorzar con nosotros mañana.
The boys say that they will be able to eat lunch with us tomorrow.
Almorcé con el Gral. Guerrero.
I had lunch with Gen Guerrero.
Voy a almorzar más tarde.
I'm going to have lunch later.
Lorena suele almorzar sola.
Lorena usually eats lunch by herself.
Porque se han ido a almorzar.
Because they have gone to lunch.
- Señora Presidenta, lamento que no pueda irse a almorzar por nuestras explicaciones de voto.
- Madam President, I am sorry we are keeping you from your lunch with our explanations of votes.
Con este espíritu me retiraré para almorzar y las bananas formarán parte importante de mi menú.
In that spirit I will be retiring for my lunch, of which bananas will make up a very important part of the menu.
Quizá como yo, después de almorzar, ha podido darse cuenta de que la temperatura había subido.
Perhaps like me after dinner, she might have realised that the temperature had warmed up.
Si sabemos que no habrá votaciones nominales, todos podemos marcharnos ahora a almorzar.
If we know there are no roll-call votes we can all go out now and have lunch!
Y les diría a nuestros invitados que por favor vayan a almorzar y se cercioren de que todo es seguro.
I would say to our guests: please go and have a good lunch and be assured that it should be safe!
Señora Presidenta, le doy las gracias a usted y a los servicios que, reconozco, les estoy retrasando su pausa para almorzar.
Madam President, thank you and thank you to the services who, I realise, I am delaying from enjoying their lunch.
Me gustaría invitar a la señora Comisaria a almorzar o a cenar, ya que su apretada agenda nos ha impedido dar una conferencia de prensa conjunta.
I would like to invite the Commissioner to lunch or dinner, as her busy schedule has prevented us from giving a joint press conference.
Les deseo una estancia segura y agradable aquí en Bruselas y, puesto que se acerca la hora de almorzar, permítanme desearles también bon appétit.
I would like to wish you a safe and pleasant stay here in Brussels, and as lunchtime is approaching, let me also wish you bon appétit!
En todo caso, su invitación a desplazarnos a la hora de almorzar me parece tremendamente sugestiva, sobre todo si se hace con dieta mediterránea.
Your invitation to move to lunchtime seems a very good idea, especially if the food is Mediterranean.
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