Sentence Maker: mother
At my house, my mother is always the first one to get up and the last one to go to bed.
My mother is a physician, but she doesn't practice her profession.
Mother would never serve me dessert if I didn't eat my stew first.
The flowers were received by my mother on time. She loved them.
The child constantly cried, which annoyed the mother.
Mother won't let you go without eating something.
If your mother were her, you all would speak differently.
You look a lot like your father, but you have your mother's nose.
Someone had to help my mother with the housework.
My mother is telling my brother that she is leaving on a trip.
The man, whose mother died, wrote her biography.
I need to find someone to look after my mother.
They would make the mother's day snacks if it is necessary.
You look a lot like your father, but you have your mother's nose.
Will you please tell me about your mother? Yes, with pleasure, I will tell you about my mother.
I will tell you all about my mother. Will you tell me about yours?
Well, I'm sure that my mother is coming, but I'm not sure if my father is coming or not.
Will you tell it to others? No, I will not tell others about your mother.
The little girls tried on their mother's clothes until they fell asleep.
she is very attached to her mother
Está muy apegada a su madre / Depende mucho de su madre
Mother believed that you didn't have breakfast this morning.
Mamá creyó que no desayunaste esta mañana.
My mother is a professor.
Mi madre es profesora.
He carries the packages for his mother.
El lleva los paquetes para su madre.
He does not carry the packages for his mother.
El no lleva los paquetes para su madre.
Does he carry the packages for his mother?
¿Lleva él los paquetes para su madre?
Carlos' mother knows very well how to make paella, a traditional dish.
La madre de Carlos sabe hacer muy bien la paella, un plato tradicional.
He carried the packages for his mother.
El llevó los paquetes para su madre.
He did not carry the packages for his mother.
El no llevó los paquetes para su madre.
Did he carry the packages for his mother?
¿Llevó él los paquetes para su madre?
My mother knows a lot of sayings.
Mi madre sabe muchos dichos.
My mother avoided driving on the highways.
Mi mamá evitaba conducir en las autopistas.
The girl is running away from the pediatrician to go after her mother.
La niña está huyendo del pediatra por seguir a su mamá.
My mother is taking a shower.
Mi madre se está duchando. / Mi madre está duchandose.
My mother's name is Carmen.
Mi madre se llama Carmen.
She was out of town when her mother died.
Ella estaba fuera de la ciudad cuando su madre murió.
I only understand my mother tongue.
Yo sólo entiendo mi lengua materna.
My mother fastened my seat belt.
Mi madre me sujetó el cinturón de seguridad.
The mother caressed her baby very tenderly.
La madre acarició a su bebé muy tiernamente.
Mother Theresa felt sorry for the poor in Calcutta.
La Madre Teresa se compadeció de los pobres de Calcuta.
I miss my mother very much.
Yo extraño mucho a mi madre.
The mother put her little girl in the crib.
La mamá acostó a su niña en la cuna.
The mother undresses her children.
La mamá desviste a sus hijos.
I look like my mother.
Me parezco a mi madre.
Through centuries, man has challenged Mother Nature.
A través de los siglos el hombre ha desafiado la naturaleza.
At what time does your mother wake you up?
¿A qué hora te levanta tu madre?
The children waited patiently for their mother.
Los niños aguardaron pacientemente por su mamá.
Sofia has to ask her mother if she can go to the movies with us.
Sofia le tiene que preguntar a su madre si puede ir al cine con nosotros.
Give this letter to your mother. It is very important.
Dale esta carta a tu madre. Es muy importante.
My mother fastened my seat belt.
Mi madre me sujetó el cinturón de seguridad.
I bought a gift for my mother.
Yo compré un regalo para mi madre.
I would like to introduce you to my mother.
Quiero presentarte a mi madre.
Did you buy a gift for your mother?
¿ Compraste un regalo para tu madre?
Mary bought a gift for her mother.
María compró un regalo para su madre.
We bought a gift for our mother.
Nosotros compramos un regalo para nuestra madre.
The girls bought a gift for their mother.
Las muchachas compraron un regalo para su madre.
She'll meet her mother.
Ella se encontrará con su madre.
My mother took him to the veterinarian.
Mi madre lo llevó al medico veterinario.
All my mother's jewelry are made of gold.
Todas las joyas de mi madre son de oro.
Juana fears that her mother will suffer from diabetes.
Juana teme que su madre padezca de diabetes.
My mother used to brush my hair every night.
Mi madre me cepillaba el pelo todas las noches.
The little boy embraced his mother with his little arms.
El niñito abrazó con sus bracitos a la mamá.
It hasn't taken my mother that much time, she's been lucky.
A mi madre no le ha tomado tanto tiempo, ella ha tenido suerte.
My mother leaves with the pediatrician.
Mi mamá sale con el pediatra.
The boy did not obey his mother.
El niño no le hizo caso a su mamá.
She is about to have the reunion with her mother.
Se dispone a tener el reencuentro con su madre.
My mother took him to the veterinarian.
Mi madre lo llevó al medico veterinario.
My mother is going to prepare a special dish for dinner.
Mi madre va a preparar un plato especial para la cena.
Mother will always be mother.
¡Las madres son siempre las madres!
You have been listening to your mother again.
Su señoría ha estado escuchando a su madre de nuevo.
My mother died in January.
Mi madre falleció en enero.
I do not want her to say, mother, you wasted it.
No quiero que me diga: mamá, perdiste una oportunidad.
I congratulate his mother on her 100th birthday.
Felicito a su madre por su 100 cumpleaños.
There is no negotiating with Mother Earth.
No es posible negociar con la Madre Tierra.
Regulation is the mother of corruption.
La regulación es la madre de la corrupción.
That was the love of children for their mother.
Demostraron verdadero amor de hijos por su madre.
Speak in your mother tongue, if this is possible.
Usen su lengua materna cuando sea posible.
I shall continue in my mother tongue.
Continuaré ahora en mi lengua materna.
The crisis, any crisis is the mother of change.
La crisis, cualquier crisis es la madre del cambio.
Religious freedom is the mother of all freedoms.
La libertad religiosa es la madre de todas las libertades.
Unfortunately, he had a Moroccan mother.
Lamentablemente, tenía una madre marroquí.
My mother died a month ago.
Mi madre murió hace un mes.
The other is her mother who is seriously ill with cancer.
Por otro lado está su madre, aquejada de un grave cáncer.
They hear their father shouting, they hear him kicking and striking their mother and they hear their mother's groans.
Oyen a su padre chillar y escuchan como golpea y ataca a su madre y oyen también los lamentos de la madre.
We wish to congratulate your mother on two counts: for the award and also for being the mother of such a distinguished Member.
De todas formas, transmita nuestra felicitación a su madre por dos motivos: por el premio y, además, por ser la madre de un diputado tan ilustre.
I would also add our own mother tongue to the equation.
Yo añadiría que también el de nuestra lengua materna.
And that is why I did not bring her to Strasbourg with my mother, my sister and my wife.
Por eso no la he llevado a Estrasburgo, mientras sí he llevado a mi madre, a mi hermana y a mi mujer.
Europe, the mother of moral values, should not resign itself to this.
Europa, la madre de los valores morales, no puede rendirse.
My vote is for my mother, and my colleague Nicholas Bethel.
Mi voto es por mi madre y mi colega Nicholas Bethel.
If we could ask him, he would say that he would choose to be cared for by his mother.
Si pudiera preguntárselo, me diría que preferiría que lo cuidara su madre.
Everyone has the right to use his or her mother tongue.
Todo individuo tiene derecho a utilizar su lengua materna.
What was once our mother Earth we now regard with suspicion.
Hoy, miramos con recelo a la tierra nutricia de antaño.
This mother makes an appeal: 'I should like to see him once again'.
Esa madre suplica: "Me gustaría verle una vez más."
Mother and father are the most important people for a child.
La madre y el padre son las personas más importantes para un niño.
I shall now continue in my mother tongue.
Ahora continuaré en mi lengua materna.
Maybe the 'father or mother' of the House has a logic.
Quizá el "padre o madre" de esta Cámara tuviese alguna lógica.
Can a mother of 11 really be a terrorist?
¿Puede una madre de once años ser una terrorista?
They have schools where instruction is given in their mother tongues.
Tienen escuelas en las que la enseñanza se imparte en su lengua materna.
The mother must not be in conflict with the woman worker.
El hecho de ser madre no debe entrar en conflicto con el hecho de ser una mujer trabajadora.
I shall now use my mother tongue.
Ahora pasaré a mi lengua materna.
"Don't reach in there, Mother, you might get an infection.”
"No metas la mano ahí, madre, puedes coger una infección.”
As a mother, I can think of nothing worse.
Como madre, no se me ocurre nada peor.
If my mother was on the boat, she would know when to buy the stuff.
Si mi madre viajara en el buque, sabría cuándo hacer las compras.
I am not referring to pensioners and the elderly in general, but, in this case, I am referring to my mother.
No estoy hablando de personas mayores y de pensionistas en general, ya que en este momento hablo de mi madre.
Maybe you should give your mother the spaceship and your daughter the telephone.
Tal vez debería usted dar la nave espacial a su madre y el teléfono a su hija.
His mother is currently travelling to Burma hoping to see him.
Su madre se dispone ahora a viajar a Birmania con la esperanza de poder verle.
Europa was Zeus's wife, the mother of Minos, Sarpedon and Radamanthe.
Europa era la esposa de Zeus, madre de Minos, de Sarpedón, de Radamantis.
Just before Christmas my mother unexpectedly lost her sight.
Un poco antes de Navidad mi madre inesperadamente perdió la vista.
There are only mother tongue languages, which shape individuals and their environment.
Sólo hay lenguas maternas, que configuran al individuo y su entorno.
It has a devastating effect on the life of a father or mother, of children and of an environment.
Son situaciones que destrozan la vida de padres, madres, hijos y su entorno.
There is no single European mother tongue, but a great many.
No hay una lengua materna europea, sino muchas.
Thank you very much, and please pass on my regards to your mother.
Muchas gracias, y déle recuerdos a su madre de mi parte.
It must be possible for all citizens to use their mother tongue.
El uso del idioma materno debe ser posible para cualquier ciudadano.
As for content, if the Internet is not in your own mother tongue it will be not the Internet for all.
En cuanto al contenido, si Internet no está en nuestra lengua materna, no será Internet para todos.
The first concerns the mother of a handicapped teenager who goes out to work.
Se trata, en primer lugar, de la madre de un adolescente minusválido que trabaja.
Abortion is a crime that kills the child and destroys the mother.
El aborto es un delito que mata al niño y destruye a la madre.
It is about a disproportionate and gratuitously cruel punishment against a young mother.
Se trata de un castigo desproporcionado y gratuito contra una joven madre.
Europa was Zeus's consort. The mother of Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus.
Europa fue consorte de Zeus y madre de Minos, Sarpedón y Radamanto.
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