Spanish Word for behavior  

English Word: behavior

Spanish Word: comportamiento, conducta
The Spanish Word for behavior
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Translated sentences containing 'behavior'
His behavior demonstrated that he is a fine person.
Su conducta demostró que es una persona educada.
I will speak with your boss at work about your behavior.
Yo hablaré con su jefe acerca de su comportamiento.
I can't support this kind of behavior.
No soporto este tipo de comportamiento.
The bad behavior prevented him from getting good grades.
La mala conducta le impedía obtener buenas calificaciones.
The parents were embarrassed of their son’s behavior.
Los padres estaban avergonzados de la conducta del hijo.
This inmate is known for violent behavior.
Este preso es conocido por comportamiento violento.
We were astonished by his behavior.
Nos asombró su comportamiento.
I am shocked by his behavior.
Me choca su comportamiento.
Pedro needs to improve his behavior in school.
Pedro necesita mejorar su comportamiento en la escuela.

(RO) Climate changes are more and more obvious and humankind should change its behavior, giving more attention to environmental protection.
(RO) Los cambios del clima son cada vez más obvios, y la humanidad debería cambiar su patrón de comportamiento y prestar más atención a la protección del medio ambiente.
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