Spanish Word for album  

English Word: album

Spanish Word: álbum (phot)
The Spanish Word for album
Now you know how to say album in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'album'
Maybe he has a smile because he'll have a new album.
Quizá él tiene un sonrisa porque él tendrá un álbum nuevo.

In fact I was just showing President Borrell an album of Georgian sites.
En efecto, acabo de enseñar al Presidente Borrell un álbum de lugares georgianos.
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More Spanish - English Translations

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The Nightlife of Buenos Aires   (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

I´ve spent in Buenos Aires 3 weeks, not because you really need so much time to see all the main attractions the city has to offer, but just because I had such a great time there and wanted to learn more Spanish. In the middle I'd left for Iguazu, only to return a few days later, because I've felt I hadn't exhausted Buenos yet, but Iguazu is a totally different story. Actually Buenos Aires...
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