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Verb of the Day Archives

The verbs listed on this page are ones previously featured on the Verb of the Day. Click on any verb below to see its full conjugation.

  • 07/02/2024 - actuar - to act, perform, actuate, operate
  • 07/01/2024 - secarse - to dry, dry off, dry up
  • 06/30/2024 - exportar - to export
  • 06/29/2024 - ensuciar - to dirty
  • 06/28/2024 - aliviar - to alleviate, ease, lessen, lighthen, relieve
  • 06/27/2024 - brillar - to shine, sparkle, glitter, gleam
  • 06/26/2024 - comunicarse - to communicate [e.g., with someone], be in touch, correspond; to be transmitted
  • 06/25/2024 - realizar - to achieve, attain, accomplish, realize
  • 06/24/2024 - graduarse - to graduate
  • 06/23/2024 - obligar - to oblige
  • 06/22/2024 - invitar - to invite
  • 06/21/2024 - lograr - to get, obtain; to achieve, attain
  • 06/20/2024 - juntarse - to join, come together, gather together, meet
  • 06/19/2024 - violar - to violate; to rape
  • 06/18/2024 - vender - to sell
  • 06/17/2024 - salvar - to save, rescue; to except, exclude
  • 06/16/2024 - escoger - to choose, select, pick
  • 06/15/2024 - preguntar - to ask, inquire
  • 06/14/2024 - peinar - to comb
  • 06/13/2024 - tardar - to delay, take a long time, be long, be slow [in doing something]
  • 06/12/2024 - consistir [en] - to consist [of], be composed [of]
  • 06/11/2024 - derretir - to melt, liquefy, thaw
  • 06/10/2024 - sufrir - to suffer; to undergo, experience, put up with
  • 06/09/2024 - rogar - to plead, beg, ask for
  • 06/08/2024 - comprar - to buy, purchase
  • 06/07/2024 - adornar - to adorn; to decorate, embellish; to garnish [food]
  • 06/06/2024 - ladrar - to bark
  • 06/05/2024 - freír - to fry
  • 06/04/2024 - ducharse - to take a shower, shower [oneself]
  • 06/03/2024 - legalizar - to legalize, make lawful
  • 06/02/2024 - explorar - to explore; to pioneer
  • 06/01/2024 - dudar - to doubt
  • 05/31/2024 - sacudir - to shake, beat, flap
  • 05/30/2024 - anhelar - to be eager for/to, long for/to, yearn for/to
  • 05/29/2024 - coser - to sew, sew up; to stitch, stitch up
  • 05/28/2024 - charlar - to chat, talk
  • 05/27/2024 - generalizar - to generalize
  • 05/26/2024 - acordar - to decide, resolve, agree [on]
  • 05/25/2024 - variar - to vary
  • 05/24/2024 - cortar - to cut
  • 05/23/2024 - surgir - to arise, emerge, spring up, come out, appear
  • 05/22/2024 - aplaudir - to applaud, cheer, clap
  • 05/21/2024 - cancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]
  • 05/20/2024 - madurar - to mature; to ripen
  • 05/19/2024 - coger - to catch, grasp, take hold of
  • 05/18/2024 - proseguir - to continue, proceed with
  • 05/17/2024 - decorar - to decorate, adorn
  • 05/16/2024 - acostumbrar - to be accustomed to, be in the habit of; to get [someone] used to
  • 05/15/2024 - conquistar - to conquer, overcome, win
  • 05/14/2024 - pasar - to pass, pass by, go; to pass on, hand; to spend [time]; to happen
  • 05/13/2024 - reportar - to bring, carry; to obtain; to report, inform; to denounce, accuse
  • 05/12/2024 - durar - to last, go on, continue
  • 05/11/2024 - agorar - to predict, prophesy
  • 05/10/2024 - nevar - to snow
  • 05/09/2024 - adorar - to adore, worship
  • 05/08/2024 - revelar - to reveal, disclose; to develop [film]
  • 05/07/2024 - chocar - to shock; to startle; to be suprising, startling; to collide, crash
  • 05/06/2024 - guardar - to guard, watch over, protect, take care of; to keep, hold on to; to put away, store away
  • 05/05/2024 - averiguar - to find out, discover
  • 05/04/2024 - conseguir - to get, obtain

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