Translate fulguroso to English  

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Spanish Word: fulguroso

English Translation: lustrously

More Spanish -> English Translations
  canadá - Canada
  volante - steering wheel, helm, rudder
  rabieta - franticness
  emisora - emitter, transmitter
  inédito - unpublished
  solaz - refreshment
  satisfactorio - satisfactory, satisfiable
  desimantación - demagnetization
  clandestino - clandestine, underhand
  preposición - preposition
  monitor - monitor, screen
  pronombre - pronoun
  fecha prevista - expected date
  aséptico - aseptic
  gas - gas
  estrecho - narrow, tight (clothes)
  monstruo - monster
  nobleza - nobility, nobleness
  actor - actor
  cancha - playground

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