Quizzes - Verb poder - Preterite Tense  

Preterite Tense Verb Poder - to be able
Quiz 1

Fill in the correct form of poder and say the sentence.

Example: Ellos no los _____ traer. - They we not able to bring them.

Answer: Ellos no los pudieron traer.

1. (Tú) ¿ _____ ayudar a Juan?
Were you able to help John?

2. ¿La _____ ayudar ustedes?
Were you all able to help her?

3. Nosotros no los _____ traer.
We couldn't bring them.

4. Pablo no _____ situar Noruega en el mapa.
Pablo couldn't find Norway on the map.

5. No _____ acostarme a las nueve porque tenía muchas tareas que hacer.
I couldn't go to bed at nine o'clock because I had a lot of homework to do.

6. (Tú) ¿ _____ cambiar la llanta?
Were you able to change the tire?

7. Ella no _____ mantener la fiesta en secreto.
She couldn't keep the party a secret.

8. No _____ ver la película porque tuve que acostarme temprano.
I wasn't able to see the movie because I had to go to bed early.

9. Yo no sé si los muchachos _____ ayudar a la señora García esta mañana.
I don't know if the boys were able to help Mrs. Garcia this morning.

10. María quería los boletos pero no _____ encontrarlos.
Mary wanted us to bring the tickets but we couldn't find.

Answers 1
Quiz 2
Answers 2

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