Dialogue 1
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Catalina: Dime, José Miguel, ¿cómo es la novia ideal para ti? ¿cómo es la persona que buscas?
Tell me, José Miguel, how is the ideal girlfriend for you? how is the person that you are looking for?
José Miguel: Bueno, busco una persona que sea cariñosa, que me comprenda y que tenga mucha paciencia. También, quiero una novia que sea lista y muy guapa.
Well, I am looking for a person that is nice, that is understanding and that she has a lot of patience. Also, I want a girlfriend that is smart and pretty.
Catalina: No me parecen mal tus requisitos. Pues yo tengo un novio que es muy cariñoso y que me comprende. En Gustavo tengo un amigo especial que además es muy paciente, y claro, es muy inteligente y bastante guapo.
I think your requirements are reasonable. Well, I have a boyfriend that is very nice and understands me. In Gustavo I have a very special friend, also he is very patient, and of course very intelligent and very handsome.
José Miguel: Sí, sí ya lo sé. Como no haces mas que hablar de él...
Yes, yes, I know. Since you are always talking about him...
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Francisco: ¿Ya hiciste las maletas, verdad?
You already packed the suitcases, right?
Araceli: Sí claro, ya están hechas. Mira Francisco, no te preocupes, tenemos cuatro horas antes de que salga el vuelo.
Of course, they already packed. Look Francisco, don't worry, we have four hours before the plane leaves.
Francisco: Ya lo sé, pero quiero que estemos bien organizados para que no lleguemos tarde al aeropuerto como la última vez, ¡perdimos el vuelo!
I know, but I want for us to be well organized so that we don't arrive late to the airport like the last time, we missed our flight!
Araceli: ¡Ay querido! no vamos a perder el vuelo, a menos que ocurra algo verdaderamente inesperado, como por ejemplo, si se nos pierden las llaves del coche, o los boletos o...
Ay dear! we are not going to miss the flight, unless something completely unexpected happens, for example, if we loose our car keys, or the tickets, or...
Francisco: Araceli, llama a un taxi en caso que el coche no arranque.
Araceli, call a taxi just in case the car doesn't start.
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Maribel: ¡Hola! hace tiempo que no te veo, ¿qué tal te va en tu nuevo trabajo?
Hello! it has been a while, how is it going with your new job?
Lola: ¡Fantástico, es un puesto estupendo!
Fantastic, is a stupendous job!
Maribel: Y tu jefa, ¿cómo es?
And your boss, how is she?
Lola: ¡Es muy amable, nos llevamos muy bien!
She is very nice, we get along really well!
Maribel: Espero que te den vacaciones este año.
I hope you get vacation this year.
Lola: ¡Sí, sí, fíjate que me dan tres semanas! y tú, ¿ya encontraste trabajo?
Yes, yes, imagine that I am getting three weeks! and you, have you found a job?
Maribel: ¡Qué va! ¡todavía ando buscando!
No yet, I'm still looking!
He knew the United States was still progressing and remained faithful that the Republican values would prosper. Moreover, even there is a relationship between NGO and the state; it’s a parasitical one (Krueger & Srinivasan, 2011). In my opinion, the Vitamin Shoppe could be consider as either a joint-stock company or a limited liability company. This chapter will make comparision through few industrial field like green energy, agriculture, tourim, real estate etc. What are the perceived solutions in overcoming the identified challenges of IT adoption in information management? In the present time, generally companies prefer to go with Web-Based ERP instead of buying the ERP software. Manson also has been the leader for many social media training sessions with popular companies like BBC and HP. In fact, Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, promised in 2010 to “vigorously enforce” federal marijuana laws regardless of California’s voting results in a ballot to legalize recreational marijuana. When I arrived back home I felt so useless, I had to go away for three months to forgot everything that happened. The business organization of the Vitamin Shoppe is to provide quality trained and knowledgeable health professional to assist with any question or concerns the consumer may have regarding a specific products. In addition to marketing music serials tones for mobile phones, and pay thousands of dollars to provide airline tickets to Turkey contests prizes, and lots of hits. The regulatory bodies in United States are American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Financial Accounting Standards Board, Government Accounting Standards Board, and Securities and Exchange Commission. The sample points chosen are highlighted ( I and M ) and the data over the period is shown in graphs and in tables later in the report. Furthermore, in Line 127, Romeo says that ‘I am fortune’s fool’ reflecting that all his actions were due to fate or fortune. The tribunal ordered an injunction to immediately halt the manufacturing of the said boots and ordered a criminal investigation into Williams Co to discover claims of negligence.
Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3