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Un grupo de niños está jugando en un parque.
Luis: Oye, Antonio, ¿por qué no le pides la bicicleta a tu hermano?
Hey, Antonio, why don't you ask your brother for the bike?
Antonio: ¿Y por qué no se la pides tú?
And why don't you ask him?
Luis: Porque a mí no me la deja.
Because he won't let me.
Antonio: Ah, tú sigues teniéndole miedo .
Ah, you're still afraid of him.
Luis: Hombre, claro, es tan bruto ... Uno le dice algo de buenas maneras y él es capaz de contestar con una bofetada . (Juan, el hermano de Antonio, se ríe.) ¿De qué te ríes?
Man, of course, he's so brutish... You say something to him in a good manner and he's capable of answering with a slap on the face . (Juan, Antonio's brother, laughs.) What are you laughing at?
Juan: Me río de ti. ¿Por qué no me dices a mí lo que le estás diciendo a mi hermano? ¿Te doy miedo?
I laugh at you. Why don't you tell me what you're telling my brother? I scare you?
Luis: No, no... Bueno, pues, si no te sirve la bicicleta, ¿por qué no me la prestas?
No, no... Well, if the bike doesn't work for you, why don't you lend it to me?
Juan: Claro que te la presto, si no sales del parque, porque si te ve mi padre, seguro que me riñe .
Of course I'll lend it to you, if you don't leave the park, because if my father sees you, I'm sure he'll scold me.
Un hostal
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Mariela: Tengo mucha hambre. No he comido nada desde anoche. ¿Quedan naranjas todavía?
Pablo: Me temo que no. Michel se las ha devorado en la merienda.
Mariela: ¿Quién es Michel?
Pablo: ¿No lo conoces? El chico francés que llegó hace dos días.
Mariela: No sabía su nombre. No he conversado con él.
Pablo: Ahora puedes hacerlo. Buen día Michel.
Michel: ¡Qué sueño! He bailado toda la noche.
Mariela: Hola… ¿Tú eres Michel?
Michel: Lo siento, no te había visto. Sí, me llamo Michel y soy francés. Vine a Montevideo por trabajo. Pero me reservé una semana para descansar. ¿Tú eres uruguaya?
Mariela: Claro. Trabajo aquí, de hecho. ¿Te gusta Montevideo?
Michel: Sí, mucho. Anoche visité el barrio del Puerto. Bebí muchos tragos y conocí bellas chicas como tú…
Pablo: Ejem… Oye, Michel, no te lo he dicho antes pero ella es mi novia.
Michel: ¡Oh! ¡Pérdoname! Es que casi no he dormido. Vaya, tienes suerte. Mariela es muy linda y simpática.
Mariela: Ustedes, los franceses, no se detienen nunca. Son muy seductores.
Michel: Eso dicen. Pero yo he viajado mucho, y hace bastante que no regreso a mi país.
Pablo: Pero no pierdes el tiempo en Montevideo. Ayer estabas en la playa de Pocitos, ¿verdad?
Michel: ¿Me has visto? Sí, fui a pasear por el Muelle. Luego me encontré con un amigo belga. Me invitó a tomar unas cervezas.
Pablo: Supongo que después de beber nuestra cerveza, no volverás a tomar otra. ¿O si?
Michel: El sabor de la cerveza uruguaya es único. Es un poco más amarga que la cerveza argentina, pero más rica. La de Buenos Aires cada vez está más aguada.
Mariela: Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Prefiero cualquier cerveza antes que la argentina.
Michel: De todos modos, no hay como la cerveza irlandesa. Tiene más cuerpo.
Pablo: ¿Has estado en Irlanda?
Michel: No, pero la cerveza irlandesa es fácil de conseguir en Francia. En realidad, cualquier cosa es fácil de conseguir allí, y en toda Europa.
Pablo: Qué envidia. Aquí en Uruguay dependemos del mercado argentino y brasileño. Si ellos poseen algo, nosotros también. Si no tienen algún artículo, nosotros tampoco lo tendremos.
Mariela: Uruguay es un país pequeño. Pero no hay como nuestra yerba mate. ¿Has probado nuestra bebida nacional, el mate?
Michel: Por supuesto. Es exquisito, parecido al té inglés, pero más fuerte. ¡Podríamos preparar uno ahora mismo!
Pablo: Buena idea. ¿Calientas el agua, Mariela?
Mariela: Claro, mi amor. Espero que haya quedado algo de yerba mate.
Pablo: Michel, estoy sorprendido por tu español. Hablas con mucha claridad.
Michel: He viajado por toda Latinoamérica, y también viví en Madrid. Soy un ciudadano del mundo…
Pablo: Pero no es fácil aprender bien un idioma extranjero. Por ejemplo, jamás aprendí francés, y lo he intentado.
Michel: Si te gusta, aprendes. A mí me gustan los países latinos, y pude aprender español con facilidad.
Mariela: ¿Quién quiere un mate?
Michel: Por favor, dame uno. Lo necesito. Hace frío y me calentará el cuerpo.
Pablo: Veo que te llevas bien con nuestras costumbres. Es verdad, así es más fácil aprender otro idioma.
Mariela: Y veo que le enloquecen las naranjas… Ayer, el canasto estaba lleno de naranjas.
Michel: Amo las frutas. Me las comí todas yo solo.
Pablo: Ahá… Como el mate, que lo tomas tú sólo y no lo devuelves…
There are some juveniles who are still transferred to adult courts to be prosecuted because of the nature of the crime.
Mining drainage, cooling aqueous extractions and any other processes increase the chances of water becoming contaminated and the chances of the surrounding water supplies becoming contaminated to.
Illustration–Commissioner.–The word “Commissioner” in this illustration has been used in the Sense of a municipal member or councilor and not in the sense of an officer in the employment of a municipality who is sometimes designated by that name.
During the period of 1972-73 to 2011-12, in rural area self-employment declined and increased in regular wage and casual labour.
To ensure that environmental degradation does not occur as by product of tourist activities, responsible tourism is practiced by government.
Benefits should cover employees paid leave, group insurance, and retirement plan and so on to keep the company competitive and attractive.
Which factors do impact the reduction of the production costs, if that is possible at all?
It aims in providing a safe environment in the IT field which by default has high degrees of risk.
Both phases are, in different ways, problematic with regard to the intellectual property system and intellectual property policy.
Although, that phrase is still heard on several newscasts today, it sadly does not have the validity and credibility as it did decades ago .
Penang was originally part of the Malay Sultanate of Kedah before the era of British colonisation.
Bacteria – Test for certain types of bacteria for example fecal coliforms although this is a bad bacteria it hangs with viruses and pathogens which affect organisms and humans and mammals.
Furthermore, this management plane assist the community to identify management options and sources in timely manner (United States Environmental Protection Agency[EPA],2013).
In this period of information explosion, there is the need for state libraries in Nigeria to use appropriate technology to access the world information to enable them achieve the set objectives.
It is devoted to the gathering of information about prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description and interpretation.
Labor reforms- The decade from 50s to 90s saw eroding labor practice which gave strength to unions and such associations who often took law in their own hands and impeded functioning of industry.
Unfortunately, if she continues to see both clients they may run the risk of running into one another at her office.
This can be due to the aryloxy-radical stabilizing effect of the –CH=CH-COOH linked to the phenyl ring by resonance.
David Ogilvy decided to found his agency on the quality and diversity of people; he was trying to think outside the box.
The medical salaries can range from 146,340 to 233,150 annually while in the business world salaries vary from 46,810 to 105,260 annually.
There are some failures which are slow, gradual, don’t cause Failure of the entire system when there is still some time to contain, identify and replace the components before the system is totally failed.
And then there were the people seriously and civilian purposes - the last copies left the assembly line already in 1960.
This organization now called, Be The Match, pairs a patient with a registered donor to receive their transplant who has the same tissue type as the recipient.
Although there were no laws regarding polygamy back then, it can be said that having more than one wife showed status and power.
According to Edward & Christopher (2006), organizational effectiveness can be built to change so they can last and succeed in today’s global economy.
Funding doubled over the previous year with over $12 billion agreed for Asian projects and $5 billion for the Middle East (Fleming, 1997).
The purpose of MAPPING focuses on the identification of the parameters that must be formulated the profile of structure and internal processes, for which a organizational entity succeed in fulfilling their objectives, goals and expectations of projected utility, as well as in the coverage of their duties and commitments.
Many of these files are often eaten up by rodents and cockroaches thus rendering them irretrievable.
The government made sure that Labor Strikes, which were so common in the 1930s, did not occur and wouldn’t interrupt production.
They are no longer passive recipients or property, these women leave their families, friends, reinvent themselves and are able to live life on their own terms.
The increase in catalytic activity to TiO2 nanoparticles can be attributed to their high surface area or to the fact that TiO2 is mainly anatase and not rutile [50,51].
Parents with a strong sense of self-efficacy, with children who are less difficult (i.e., have less autistic symptomology), tend to be more involved with the therapies (Solish & Perry, 2008).
Citing the AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, the article insists that it is within the school librarians’ roles and responsibility to collaborate with teachers and staff to develop a plan that will enhance the students’ information-literacy skills that are needed in today’s technology era.
However, since the outcomes of social capital are contextual, the research will show us how this will work in the study area.
One of the advantages of smoking cigarette and shisha to the body is that they produce nicotine with molecular formula of C10H14N2.
It is possible that this Little Ice Age could have continued if the industrial revolution did not occur and did not poor toxic and climate changing gases in to the atmosphere.
They also noted that the market react to dividend omissions more significantly than for dividend initiations.
This case was reviewed and ruled in the favor of the independent filmmakers and distributors by banishing block-booking and blind-buying.
By joint venture with Huawei is one of the important strategic action 3 com back in high-end market.
Bhabha also thinks that the cultural differences between the society and an individual depend on individual selfhood and it coexists with the idea of the society.